View Full Version : signs

24-08-09, 11:49
I know this sounds really really silly but do you find everywhere you look or everything you watch has reference to your latest fear. My fear at the mo is ms and i really do believe i have it docs just pass everything off as anxiety. I was watching deal or no deal the other day and the contestant had it, well that totally ruined my night just logged onto my yahoo and the top story was about an ms breakthrough, even whilst on ebay the other day they asked me to donate to the ms charity. I feel everywhere i look i see it, does anyone ever feel that these are 'signs' in some way. I do actually know how silly this sounds but its such a coisidence(not sure on spelling) to keep seeing all these things. Everytime i am out and i see a young person in a wheelchair automatically think they have got it.

My anxiety is really high at the moment hence the 2 posts, sorry to keep boring everybody with my ms posts. :-(

24-08-09, 12:20
I definately get this - big time. I have been worried about my liver and pancreas, and at the weekend i was watching Dara O'Brian - Live at the Apollo. Was finding it very amusing until he asked if there was a doctor in the audience - there was, and then he asked what type of doctor, and she said a surgeon specialising in liver and pancreas!!!! I wasn't laughing after that! Out of all the things she could have specialised in and it had to be that!

I sometimes feel that someone from above is doing it on purpose! Because it feels like more than a coincidence!!

There have also been various other incidents that feel like 'signs' and make my anxiety worse!

My anxiety is also really high today too x

24-08-09, 12:36
Yes this happens to me to!!

I went through a phase thinking i had MS and it popped up everywhere! a client where i worked had it, i heard people on the bus talking about it, i saw people on the tv that had it.

Then i went through a brain tumour phase and it seemed to be in every magazine, my mum saw a old friend who had just recovered from a brain tumour, it was driving me crazy!!

It seems to happen with every health condition i think i have had the past year! really weird !

Rebeccaad i went through a phase thinking i had MS and then i found Charles Lindon talk about symptoms on youtube, it explained really well why we experience these horrible symptoms, really made me feel so much better :) x

24-08-09, 13:35
Yes I find this too. I have a huge cancer phobia and everywhere I look there is that horrible word.:weep: I hate those emails that people send you about cancer, they really upset me.:sad:

24-08-09, 15:53
I have noticed this as well.

I spoke to my psychologist about it and he knocked the fantasy 'message' theory right out ha ha

Its just that you are tuned to see and hear these things becuase you have programmed your mind that this stuff is important for your survival so your mind is always on the look out, much the same as it looks instinctively for cars when you are crossing the road or if something is going to fall on you kind of thing.

I can say this is true because during my cancer fear everything i saw was a sign or a message but when the hiv fear took over, i really havent noticed any cancer signs or warnings, i might see stuff but i just dont personalise it at all........i do it with hiv instead....its so tiring.


24-08-09, 16:32
How did you get over your cancer fear if you don't mind me asking?:unsure:

24-08-09, 16:36
Yeah, same with me, all the adds in tv are about cancer and donate blood, I always think it's trying to tell me that i have it as well :(

24-08-09, 16:44
I do this all the time - I have the colon cancer fear right now and every where I look there is something about colon cancer. And in my anxiety brain I see this as a sign that I actually do have colon cancer. I am really bad - if I get out of sequence during the day - my mind starts telling me something bad is going to happen! Honestly if I brush my teeth before I wash my face is the sky really going to fall - we all know it isn't, but my brain just doesn't work that way!

24-08-09, 20:32
I know exactly what you mean its really bizarre. My first HA symptom was ectopic heartbeats and chest pain and everytime i switched on the tv the british heart foundation ad would be on the one with the beating heart it sent me crazy. Then when i had fears of cancer the ad where people say the dr told them theyve got cancer. I still find it scary now. Also when i was having chest pains my brother in law who is younger than me was diagnosed with a heart condition i wanted the floor to swallow me up its really weird but good to know and reassuring that we all seem to think the same way.

24-08-09, 21:00
Hi, yeah I too have this same thing. Its like whatever I am worried about is following me.

24-08-09, 21:40
Hi, yes also me. im always thinking ive got some neurological condition and couldnt get it out of my mind for days so when i picked up the paper i read an article about Michael J Fox..ofcourse this article contained the first signs he had of parkinsons..why oh why did i have to pick the paper up that day...ofcourse i read it..totally ruined my weekend..and days later was still convinced i had parkinsons too...but also it has happened before when i thought i had a brain tumour i picked up a magazine opened the page there infront of me was a big article on brain tumours....just what i needed hey...

24-08-09, 21:53
Yes mine is my heart... Then one of my best friends who has MS (sorry) her husband to be collapsed and died 6 weeks ago he was a fitness instructos and had a heart attck apparently he had an underlying heart complaint.. well this just sent my anxiety sky high, it is one of my worse fears and worries, also i do have a heart complaint which has never affected me but i can't help woryying over it x

25-08-09, 13:43
Jan 63

Sorry this is not in anyway helpfull :blush: but I got over the cancer fear by developing an hiv fear.......sorry its not helpfull but it does highlight the fact that the problem is solely anxiety and not that these 'signs' are accurate.


25-08-09, 13:47
thanks for all the replys im in a better place today, i really do know how silly i sound but cant get it out of my head, i sometimes really wish i could not use a computer so i could not check out the internet and just visit a doctor like normal people. I should actually be glad they have made an ms breakthrough that way if i do have it i can benefit :-(

Cell block H fan
25-08-09, 15:42
Yes which is why I stopped buying Take a break & Chat magazines. Because every time I had a health anxiety I would end up coming across someone with the real thing in there & then end up worse!
I stopped googling years ago, so I decided I needed to stop reading about real peoples illnesses too. Because I got to the stage where I would convince myself it was fate that the illness was in there, because I had it. Tut.