View Full Version : could do with help now

24-08-09, 12:39
am about to go into full panic mode. have pain in my head - right down the middle across the top that feels like someone is pressing on the top of my head with their nails. neck is stiff too and eye pain. had this headache for a few days now but its getting worse today. almost feels like a severe pinching and burning. stomach is also now churning because of sheer painc brewing.:weep: - what should i do??

24-08-09, 12:46
Hi Katy
i'm really sorry your feeling the way you are, is there anyone there with you that could perhaps massage your neck and shoulders? when i'm having very bad headache i always get my partner to rub my shoulders quite hard and altho it's painful it does relese the tension.
I can only think that your pain is down to tension, it causes so much pain it's unbeliveable and tension is exactly what your describing at the mo.
I do hope you manage to calm down a little, try some deep breathing and try to relax......i know i can almost hear you saying i would if i could.
I wish i had more to offer you, but what i will say is it will be tension thats causing the pains.

Sharon :)

24-08-09, 12:49
Dear Katy,

I have had many head aches that sound similar to yours, specifically the eye pain and neck stiffness. It could be a migraine or tension headache. I'm sure it is nothing more sinister that a nasty headache. My headaches always get worse the more worked up i get - and i can have them for days on end. Have you ever tried Migralieve or anything. Sometimes that really helps me. I often feel a bit better if i lie down too. If you are at home, maybe lie down in a dark room for half an hour? It helps with the eye pain if its dark.

This may sound silly, but i also find that a cold flannel on my forehead helps to calm me down and soothes my head a bit.

I also get head pressure where it feels as though someone is squeezing my head...there are so many different sensations that us anxiety sufferes can experience.

Alison x

24-08-09, 13:15
try and take your mind off it i know this is hard,sounds like your really stressed,i have felt panicky this morning and i hate it,