View Full Version : question about headache/pressure

24-08-09, 17:33
I've had this weird headache pressure thing going on for 2 or 3 weeks now, when i get up sometimes its there but sometimes not then later it stars comming and it usually starts at the neck then works its way up. Its not debilitating cuz i can still do stuff so its not like a migrain although i do get them too,,,ugh:( It changes all day long, sometimes on one side then to the other then back to my neck then all over my head, then tingling pressure, then sometimes some sharper pains:wacko: And even sometimes my face tingles too.
The drs wont do anything cuz they're convinced its anxiety so wont do tests or anything
I was told there's a vein or artery that goes up the neck that can get a blood clot or something and cause a fatal stroke So i'm So worried that could be it
So i'm just trying not to panic like usual but i think i'm losing that battle.

24-08-09, 17:38
you can get all different types of migraine some that i know of..flashing lights/servere pain/migraine can make you feel flu like/can be painless and leave you completely tired/can move all over the place headaches that start in your neck are generally tension related get someone to give you a good neck and shoulders massage if you can and try not to tense your shoulders. i hope that helps.

Veronica H
24-08-09, 17:42
:bighug1: Sorry that this is giving you so much worry. These sort of symptoms are familiar to many of us. It is amazing to think that tension from anxiety can cause so many aches and pains, but it can. If you cannot shake this worry then ask the Doctor for more reassurance.


25-08-09, 11:45
this is exactely what i have at the minute. got to the point that i went to the walk in centre yesterday and the nurse checked me over and said i was fine. aparently there is a muscle that goes from the back of your neck, across the top of your head and down towards the eyes so when it tenses up the entire area gets painful. i tried putting a hot water bottle on my neck and last night it eased a lot - still have it today but its much better than it was.
hope you feel better soon:flowers: