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24-08-09, 21:26
i was taking Sertraline but on my second day i got nausea all through the night and feeling funny
any way i put that down to the anti depressents but i spoke to my doc today and he said il give u fluoxetine instead but take one today then miss a day then take another the nxt and carry on like this till i see him next
any way im scared to take them because i dont wana feel sick
what are the most common side effects u guys have ad?

24-08-09, 21:36
I was fine on Prozac and didn't have any side effects at all.

Never touched the panic attacks though!

24-08-09, 21:51
hi im on fluxotine and have had no side effects,give them a go they really help,i have tried others but had side affects,they take a while to work and do help a bit

02-09-09, 18:30
Hi, I've just started fluoxatine today and am hoping that they work and that I don't have any side affects. I've tried to calm down my anxiety myself but don't seem to be getting anywhere and my g.p. has suggested trying medication. I wish there weren't so many horror stories about it though! It's good to hear from someone who has had a positive experience.

02-09-09, 19:31
Hi was on fluoxetine a few years ago for anxiety and depression. Dont remember any side effects but they really helped me. Give them a go.
Mel. x

Tangerine Man
11-10-09, 08:19
Myra, Go for it I have been on them since March and had very few side effects. They can take 3/4 weeks to work properly so give it time and try to be easy on yourself.