View Full Version : weird head pain

25-08-09, 03:39
i have this really strange head pain that comes and goes within the day - lasts for seconds. it seems to be localized in one small coin-sized spot in the back of my head, and it stings slightly - not really a dull kind of pain but it does hurt. i feel really concerned. i don't know what this is or what could be causing it? i do clench my jaw so could it be tmj (doesn't really sound like it)? i also have a lot of anxiety throughout the day so maybe that's causing it or making it worse? this has been going on for a few days now.

help?? thanks!

25-08-09, 04:04
hello sparkles

I have the same symptoms too, they are neck spasms probably that could affect anywhere in your head, I have them the way you described exactly! I work on a computer most of the day, so that explains it

however, go ask a gp if you are worried.

25-08-09, 04:38
The nerves and muscles on your scalp cause this. I have it all the time . Its irritating but it will go away. Take a tylenol or other pain reliever and just relax. I can assure you that this happens to me all the time and a lot of
it because I tend to lean my neck over and prop up with my hand. Hope this helps.

27-08-09, 01:54
yeah.. its probably from my crappy posture. the illogical side of me is thinking i have a glioma tumor. i was feeling soo much better until i read of Ted Kennedy's death cause. ugh, thank you CNN. :doh:

27-08-09, 04:21
I have weird pressure pain in my head too. That's actually why I am on this site right now. Mine is located at the top middle of my head, and sometimes the back. I just felt this little pressure in my head, and all of a sudden my mind started racing. Brain tumor, aneurysm, always something bad. I started to panic and came to my computer to get my mind off of it. I always come straight to this website, and it helps ease my mind a little. :yesyes:


27-08-09, 05:39
i know how you feel :( i'm always thinking i'm doomed or something. this site has really help me too!