View Full Version : I am afraid of ghosts!! :(

25-08-09, 03:52

2 days ago I watched a clip about Michael Jackson's ghost appearing in his house while I was watching and trying to figure out the shape of the shadow that was moving, suddenly a scary sound was in the clip and and a pic of a ghost, that might be funny for some people, but it scared me alot!!!!!! that night I was afraid of everything but I could sleep, tonight I slept but I woke up after 2 hours and couldn't sleep again :weep: I keep thinking of the shadow in that clip, although I am trying to assure myself that it's just a shadow for someone who was moving across the window, but I am still afraid of seeing it around me :weep:

thank you for taking time to read, I hope you can write something for me, this is the first time I post a thread, I usually go HA forum because most of my panic attacks come from my health anxiety, but now this is different!!! I can't sleep and I am afraid this will last for long :weep:

25-08-09, 04:00
I'm afraid of ghosts too, and aliens lol. I think sometimes we get an image stuck in our minds like we get a song stuck in our heads.
I'm not sure if i have any worth while advice, maybe just distractions, computer games, reading, music, relaxation.......
i hope it doesn't last too long for you x

25-08-09, 04:43
The Michael Jackson thing is all theactrics meant to get ever MORE attention to Michael. I am very skeptical about ghost.

That is one thing Im not afraid of. Many years I have been many places that were suppose to be haunted and hoping to see a glimpse of anything that was out of the ordinary. Unfortunately I have never ever experienced anything that wasn't of this world.

Just think if anyone would come back it would be Houdini and they have been having seances "not spelled right" but you know what I mean they have been having these things for many years hoping he would come back and he never has.

Pity I want to believe but well.. You know..

Anyway regarding aliens.. It would be egotistical for us to think we were the only life in the universe. Take care

25-08-09, 21:42
many thanks to you mishel and looking4answers I really appreciate your answers...
you are right about an image sticking in our head mishel, I wish I could just replace it with another image!!!:weep: I am trying to distract myself now since it is almost midnight, I am afraid of going to bed :weep:

it might seem silly to some people, but I am really scared!! I am also skeptic about ghost, but I would never do what you did looking4answers, I know that CNN and many other media try to make some money from these videos!! and I know that people will make a million ghost of the famous people they love!!!! but I still can't get that thing out of my head now!!!!:weep:

25-08-09, 22:12
it's ok, fear still feel like fear no matter what the circumstances.
When I was a teenager I let my friend sleep in my room, she freaked out and said there was a ghost in my room!
she had taken illegal drugs the night before so go figure.
I still didn't sleep in my room for a few nights!

25-08-09, 22:28
hi - this is just your anxiety fuelling into a ghost fear rather than a heath fear. just think of ghosts not as spooky things but as people who may have suffered anxiety too lol. there is nothing to fear x

25-08-09, 22:35
hey there,
yes me too...im afraid of ghosts, but im not a teenager im a married women with children..ive had so many weird experiences since loosing both my parents that even now 8years since my mum died i cant go upstairs alone..its so stupid i know i wish i could stop feeling like this but i cant. I never gave ghosts a thought before but now I do believe in them...

25-08-09, 23:14
You're not silly at all. I'm a Mum of 42 who still sleeps with the light on because I dont like the dark :blush:

I think I know the kind of clip you're talking about.......... I was once sent a clip which advised me to study the screen very closely, turn my sound up all the way because there might be a faint sound........ yeah right, that done, I followed the instructions only to be scared half to death by a very loud screaming ghost like thing..... hilarious ........ the laptop flew across the room at 90 miles per hour!!

Its ok to be scared hun after a shock like that but it will fade :hugs:


25-08-09, 23:55
Ghosts are supposed to be people looking after us and bring us good luck - try to see it like that

25-08-09, 23:59
Hi, I think I speak for half of Britain when I say Ghost**tch did something to me back in 1993! Anyone remember that? The BBC showed a "documentary" about a haunted house which they claimed was real, although it was in fact staged. Ghost**tch scared the British public so badly there was a major outcry and someone even committed suicide.

The BBC was forced to apologise and Ghost**tch has never been repeated, although you can get it on DVD.

So I share your pain - it took me a year to get over Ghost**tch, I was a nervous wreck after that!!

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26-08-09, 00:00
Why the heck is the name of that programme being edited?

26-08-09, 21:20
thanks for replies my friends... they really make me calmer...:hugs:

you are right joannap, I agree that my anxiety is fueling it .... and I have a chronic anxiety!! I wish that the ghost thing doesn't become chronic too like some of you have...:weep:

I started to fear the darkness too, I had some sleep last night but with the lights on. I wish it will fade suebb, I don't feel that afraid during day...:unsure:

sorry Nicola, but I don't won't any ghost to look after me!! I just want to get rid of the idea :weep:

I wish I would never have to wait that long PsychoPoet, I feel I am already devastated by it!! I removed the person who posted the clip on facebook :mad:, without giving a notice!!:lac: I believe that using others fears to make fun is awful!! someone with a serious disease might die because of it!!!!! and the person who posted the clip has over 600 contact on facebook, how could she be that thoughtless!!!!:mad: