View Full Version : Everything in my life went wrong

25-08-09, 07:16
I started writing here what had happened in my life over the last few years but I looked at what I read and thought I just can't do this, I can't emotionally cope with putting it all down. There's far too much and no-one would read it all.

But I have very good reasons for panicking about my health and still do. Today I'm going for another scan. Already this year I've had a bone density scan, upper abdo scan, CT scan of my head, bone scan, artery scan, seen by an ENT consultant and other stuff. In fact for the last 2 years every week I've got at least 3 medical or mental health appointments. But I'm still in pain, still feel ill can't take so much meds due to awful side effects. I now walk with a walking aid - last year I didn't need one. My life has just turned upside down and I just can't seem to sort anything out or get any better.

There is more but I just can't write anymore at the moment.

25-08-09, 13:06
Hi Pandoraspox
I am so sorry that things are hard for you at present and that you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. I replied to your post about your scan, but not sure whether this one predates it or not. I am in your age group and things do get a bit more difficult as we age. I know that the Drs appointments and hospital tests come much faster at our age. I take 5 lots of tablets for differing reasons and have IBS also. I have had to restrict what I get up to because of both the physical and mental limitations. I know it is hard and some days seems unsurmountable...but please don't give up. The positive side is that you are receiving expert medical treatment and investigations and although a pain, I know, You will get the best treatment for your needs. I do hope last scan was good news and send you support and hugs. Hang in there girl!! :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

25-08-09, 14:48
I just want to send hugs!! :bighug1: