View Full Version : GAD and lingering anxiety

25-08-09, 08:48
i am currently in one of the flips...

Had lots of stress accumulated + travelling, visitors, family events, and it expoded finally.
Had about 5 days of panic attacks last week and started calming down

Though last night when i went to the big mall for a short while I had started feeling IT coming. We were planning to go anyway so we left - so I felt like I run away. I didnt finish it off on spot.
At home i was very low because i felt anxious, faluire and etc...
This morning is still the same - I am like almost in the same state as last night because i didnt crash it - it still plays with me....

I was told before and i can see it now more and more - that Lingering Anxiety is actually worse than the real attack...
It plays and plays on acertain level and doesnt let go. It is definately the bereeding ground of the attacks followed by depression.

Crap feeling...
Hate this lingering thing, it also brings on other symptoms with it...

25-08-09, 09:09
It's an annoying cycle, being apprehensive of being anxious makes you anxious and actually being anxious makes you apprehensive about it getting worse. Trust me, we all know. I gotta say, since you've had five full blown panic attacks in only a week, despite circumstances, I would definitely talk with my doctor about switching/increasing meds. If you're taking any then they're obviously not working.

25-08-09, 09:24
I have been through medicate and not medicate phase and i was intoxicated on drips in the beginning 3,5 years ago, therefore even with my doctor I have agreed that we have to medicate as little as possible therefore i take 10mg Cipralex daily at night and I have sulpride 25mg with me - but I have not taken it for months...I am determined that i can do without it.

25-08-09, 09:36
Medical advice can always change in light of new circumstances. You can even change your medication merely by wishing to, assuming your or any other doctor can safely recommend one. There are a lot of drugs out there and it's doubtful you've tried them all. Maybe you just haven't found the right one. Don't be afraid to push your doctor for alternative treatments. As for 'I am determined that i can do without it' I'd say the evidence suggests otherwise, at least for now.

26-08-09, 09:13
What I would also like to find out is how do other people experience lingering/background anxiety and what symptoms they get, and which way they manage to prevent it from turning into something bigger.


26-08-09, 09:53
Hello, I do have general anxiety and it is always with me - well at the moment anyway! The symptoms I get are general unrest, negative thoughts and the constant need to run away! I have had crippling anxiety in the past and I seek professional help, which is fantastic and very helpful. I have also got some self help books, which help me feel that I am not alone. One of then is called 'Panic attacks' by Christine Ingham and is very helpful. The key factor is not to feel alone, there are thousands of people in the same situation.

One key factor to take into consideration when you are feeling anxious is to tell somebody! For me that imediatly helps. I also use Rescue Remedy and try and keep where I am quiet as noise makes it worse.

Hope this helps?


26-08-09, 15:39
Hi H.,

Thanks for reply,

It is so disturing, when it is with you all the time.
I have GAD for 3 years, the ast 1,5 was great - I had 6 and 4 months between the relapses and i was completely content, even the stress didnt bring my anxiety back.

But recent accumulation of stress brought my attacks back 1 week ago and allthough severe attacks finished - I have ery high level of anxiety that stays with me like you said most of the time making me want to run. Its so annoyting.

I also didnt finish off last attack 2 days ago in the shop and tun away and feels like i am stuck in the middle of that attack. I wish I could crash it and maybe it would make GA go away....

I also try this time to avoid antianx medications. I am only taking 10mg of cipralex at night.

LAst time this thing lasted all together for a month probably. I really would like it to be shorter....

Hope we will manage to learn how to ingnore it ...

Take care

26-08-09, 16:06
It is really horrible, I tottally agree with you. When it's a good day the world is my oyster and I can deal with whatever comes at me, but on a bad dayit really sucks!!! I lost my dad to terminal cancer 7 years ago which intially brought on my anxiety, I understand this perfectly and dealt with it. So for me, all these years later when I am happy, does it come back!!

I don't think we should ignore anxiety, I believe that it should be a good stepping stone towards us finding out what really does make us happy and unhappy. You say that stressful situations bring on your anxiety, where possible try and minimse the stress levels. Trips to the mall when it is quiet or when you can take someone who reasures you could help? Also relaxation techniques and Rescue Remedy could help.

When times do get hard, remember that from this experience you WILL be a stronger person, and you CAN get through this.


30-08-09, 11:54
hi thumbalina

can totally relate to what you are saying - i have suffered on and off with anxiety for over 10 yrs - went through a terrible patch 2 years ago and am on citalopram but going through a very bad time again at the moment - sorry atlas - i don't agree with your advice lol - if we all rushed to the gp's to increase/change our medication at the sign of increasing anxiety - where might it end? i personally would then panic at the thought that i might have to increase my dose until it would not be possible to increase it any more and then where would i be?!

i am trying to accept it and get through it - i had several days where i felt i was on the verge of a panic attack constantly - the fear was awful but i still got up and did everything i needed to do - went out and about. i have also had racing heart, headaches and racing thoughts.

the thing is - no medication is a "cure" - yes - it can definitely help you to manage symptoms more easily but like i have realised - it is still there bubbling under the surface. i think the key lies in getting to know yourself better and learning to manage and reduce symptoms. i have gone from feeling like i was about to run off to casualty because i felt so awful and beg someone to do something about it to feeling grim but coping so it shows that how we react to anxiety does affect it. xx

02-09-09, 08:40
Most people who experience frequent panic attacks describe a lingering background generalized anxiety that stays with them long after the panic attack is over. Panic attacks are not spontaneous, random experiences. They are rooted in an underlying general anxiety that acts as the feeding ground for them to occur. Some people claim the attacks come totally out of the blue, but in fact on closer examination the person is usually already feeling an above average level of generalized anxiety before the panic attack begins. It is this generalized anxiety that we are going to tackle in this chapter.
In general, anxiety disorders are treated with medication, specific types of psychotherapy, or both. Treatment choices depend on the problem and the person's preference. Before treatment begins, a doctor must conduct a careful diagnostic evaluation to determine whether a person's symptoms are caused by an anxiety disorder or a physical problem.