View Full Version : Feeling so strange Please read and help!

25-08-09, 09:29
What's happening to me? Had anxiety for ages but lately it's changing, different pattern and feelings. Evening ususually good, last night still anxious. only sleep for few hours. woke up lay with tummy churning. I got up at 6.30. Feel weird kind of depersonalisation, anxious, but really really frightenend about everything. I've never felt like this before, I'm going to lose control, don't know what to do.. so scared.....:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

25-08-09, 09:39
What are your circumstances? Recently taken a new drug? Something different in your life? Recently been injured or ill? Or anything else? This info will help. As for the time being, always remember that anxiety can't hurt you unless you let it! It's essentially imaginary! Do you think leprechauns can hurt you? So why think your anxiety can?!

25-08-09, 09:49
Hi Judy

So sorry you are having such a bad time at the moment. I can relate to the feelings you are having. Depersonalisation is horrible and "feeling" as though you will loses control is scary, but it won't hurt you. It is unpleasant but that is all it is, nothing worse will happen. It is just a symtom of anxiety. If you can hold on this thought it will help. Do you suffer from depression as well as anxiety?

Hope you start to feel calmer.

Sue. xxxxx

25-08-09, 09:54
I don't take meds except tiny bit of 25mg seroquel at night. used to be half 25mg but cutting right down. Maybe taken even less last couple of nights. Not ill, but worried a bout huge weight loss (2 stones ) eating not as much as i should but thought weight would maintain. it's not. doctor said not worried but I am disappearing. Hubbie doesn't talk a lot, son away on holiday for 2 weeks? Trying new suggestions from No panic mentor. Changing negative thoughts to positive etc. Said it might make me feel worse as anxiety will fight back. Don't know if any of these things could be causing it. Sorry I'm waffling.:blush: Hate this 'cos it's new feelings. Can't seem to calm or cope. Thank you for replying.

25-08-09, 10:15
Hi Judy

Have you heard of the fight/flight response? When this was explained to me it made a lot of sense. Although I am experiencing anxiety and depression (brought on by doing too many thing and putting too much pressure on myself over the last year) reminding myself of the bodies natural preprogrammed responses does help bring my anxiety levels down a to a managable level.

Here's a hug from me to you. :bighug1:

Remember you are not alone with this.

Sue xxxxxx

25-08-09, 10:26
Did your doctor recommend cutting your meds down or did you do that yourself?

How long would you say that you have not been eating your usual amount? Given long enough even a two stone loss can happen.

Worried about your relationship with your husband? There are many, many things you can do to help enjoy each other - activities, hobbies, sexual techniques - try something new. Or maybe he's just feeling a little down himself and will be fine after a while. As for you son being on holiday for two weeks, that's a good thing! You shouldn't be worrying about that at all.

25-08-09, 20:30
Thank you both for your replies. Thanks for the hug Sue!:bighug1: Here's one back to you! I don't suffer from depression really. (according to the doc, anyway!) I do get a bit down about feeling so rubbish most of the time though. I just want to be like I used to be and get on with living my life without a battle every day, as we all do on this site. I do know about the flight/fight response Sue. It does all make sense but I think the fact that I have felt so different these last few days has really thrown me. I hated the feelings I was having before but at least I knew what to expect. This is scary. Anyway, thanks for your help.

Atlas, I cut down my med myself but told my doc and she said it was fine.
I think hubbie is finding it difficult to know how to help me. I do understand it's hard for him too seeing me like this. He suffered with this himself years ago and more or less managed to get himself well without a lot of outside help. I think he feels if he could do it then I should be able to. As for son being away I know I shouldn't bother, but he's really a great help to me and provides more conversation than hubbie!!! Probably rely on him too much. I havn't been eating as much as I used to for about 5 months now, quite a while isn't it? Thanks again for replying.

26-08-09, 22:27
Hi Judy,

I'm sorry that these new feelings are making you feel so bad. I'm having a really similar experience. My derealisation scares the life out of me, quite literally. Its like I'm looking at things that I've seen a million times before but right now its like the first time I've ever seen them. It makes me feel like I'm going to loose control and although I remind myself its just my anxiety, it still really scares me. All you can do is try to take each day at a time and hopefully these new feelings will subside. I hope they do for you and for us all. You're doing really well at the moment and remind yourself of that. If you can't, post something on here and we'll all remind you of it. Take care hunny,

27-08-09, 08:57
Hi Joanne!
Sorry you are going through the same. It's awful. Wouldn't wish any of this on my worst enenmy.
I'm really still having a terrible time. Yesterday anxiety just wouldn't go. Today I feel terrible again. Shaking, so frrightened of how I feel. My weight loss is continuing and I don't know what to do to stop it. I do eat, not loads but not bad. I'm scared I have cancer or something. I think I'm going to waste away.
Can't stand feeling like this. It's all too much to bear.