View Full Version : ladies only - help please

25-08-09, 13:20
Hi ladies,

I have been suffering with health anxiety since I was 11, I am 22 now. My worries at the moment centre around sexual health, I have had 4 partners and used condoms with all, a condom broke once with a partner mid sex a few years ago but I never had any symptoms. I have been with my current bf for 2 years ago and he was a virgin wen we got together. He was tested (negatively) for clamidia a year ago. But I am so scared I may have something, I have a sore area down below but I am a postwoman and cycling for 5 hours a day-could that be a cause? A few months ago I broke up with my bf for 3 months and was seeing a guy friend and we never had sex (only a bit of rubbing if u know what I mean) and I know he doesn't have any stds. If I have anything is ther any chance I could have given something to him? I am on my way to a gum clinic now so so so scared :,-( I feel so low and dirty and disappoointed with myself. Does anyone just get achey/painful down there for no reason? Any help and advice woukd be v welcome and a huge comfort atm as I am unfortunately one of those ha sufferers who also is terrified of doctors/tests or anything medical. So this is a bit of a huge deal.... thank u v much!xxxx

25-08-09, 14:15
Hey there. I'm also 22 and had this problem a few years ago. I had a few partners and had gotten so terrified that i had caught something i was completely un-able to have sex i also felt dirty and just damn horrible. I told myself there was something wrong with me and noticed pains and i wouldnt go to the docs about it because i was so scared to be tested so made my anxiety worse this went on for about 2 years. When i eventually did and found i was all clear it helped me calm down a lot.
If you cycle a lot there is obviously a chance you could have given yourself some swelling and or thrush (wich is easily curable) but i doubt anything serious maybe it is somehing you could talk to your doctor about or get a nice big comfy bike seat?

Hope your feeling better.