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View Full Version : Stuck on self destruct

25-08-09, 16:09
I went through CBT about 2 years ago, and everything was great, However I appear to be on a course of total self destruct at the min.

I have gained 1stone in this past 2 months, I have started drinking rather heavy again I.E drunk Friday and Saturday night, I am having issues sleeping, I see every hour on the clock at night, I wake up with palpitations, I have started missing days at work and today received a written warning for attendance. I can't get up in the mornings, it takes me 2 cups of coffee and a bowl of sugary type cereal like Lucky Charms before I can function. I have become very rude and ignorant to people especially my family, I snap easily, I have got into debt on totally stupid things this past while I.E buying things I dont need and cant afford.

I don't know if it is Anxiety, I have been down that route before but not sure, may be depression but I don't feel depressed as such, just pi$$ed of in a bad mood 99% of the time.

What is going on??