View Full Version : Email that freaked me out!!

25-08-09, 16:10
Hi All, I have an ongoing fear & anxiety that there is something wrong with me heart so any symptom makes me worry that I may be having a heart attack.I had a panic attck yesterday with the ectopic heart beats,the rapid heart rate etc. Today I read an email that warns women that pain in the jaw is a sign of a heart attack. I experience these pains in my jaw at times so I just did not need to read this today. H-E-L-P!:unsure:

25-08-09, 16:18
I have never heard that one before. Where did the email come from?

I had a heart attack last year and I am fine so please try not to worry about it too much.

25-08-09, 16:30
Hi Nic, i am not sure where the email originated from.I am so sorry that you had a heart attack last year. Are you really ok? why do we have these specific fears? Cancer does not seem to be such a big deal in my life despite my mom having had both breasts removed due to cancer of the breast.

25-08-09, 17:05
Hi Blot :D :hugs:

Ohhh, silly email, would like to have some harsh words with the person who sent it :mad:

It can be hard knowing and understanding where are fears come form, but what I know about myself is, when I was acute, I had a very good imagination, which could frighten the life out of me, my rational thinking had gone out of the window, when anxiety goes, so does these fears.

Cancer had touched most of my family in one way or another, Mum, sis, cousin, sister in law, and my best friend AND including myself, we ALL have recvored. When acute, cancer never even got a thought, Mmm well it did, I wished it upon myself, :ohmy: Oooohhh I know, I know, NOT very good wishing this on yourself, BUT, my thoughts where, I can deal with cancer, I have done it before, but this, Panic and high levels of anxiety, WHERE do I start and these thought pattens, as you know, were fueld with horrific fear.

So hun, who knows you better than anyone, who knows you likes, your dislikes and your fears? YOU DO. BUT, when are minds are in normal mode, we can ratioanlise are fears, we use positive self thoughts and work through any fears we have, but when acute with anxiety, the rational thinking goes out of the window, we have to try and learn to get our rational thinking back. Challenge those thoughts, which takes alot of hard work, time and the right support.

These are just my thoughts hun.

I am sorry that a blonker sent you that emial hun, :hugs: I have not heard of this either.



25-08-09, 17:20
Yes I am fine - had a stent put in one of my arteries.

25-08-09, 17:31
Thanx Jill & Nic for your advice & support. Nic,I am glad that you are well.Jill, you how it is - friends & family pass on emails that may be of interest - you know the ones: self help during a heart attack etc. I know that I should NOT read them & I usually dont but this was tagged onto the end of an article about the merits of fruit.I took a peek at the previous posts on palpitations,heart concerns, symptoms etc and as always NMP has helped me to see how many folk suffer from the same symptoms,fears & anxieties as me. I think my big fear is how do I know if I am having a heart attck if I always put the symptoms down to panic & anxiety. Any ideas?xxxxBlot

25-08-09, 17:46
Try this post ..


25-08-09, 18:49
Hi Nicola, thanx for the referral to that thread.It was very very interesting & made alot of sense.I am slightly overweight, eat a healthy low fat diet,, do physical work as a carer,don't smoke or drink & do not enjoy salt in my food.Although my parents have family histories of heart disease they are both free from heart disease themselves. Thank you again. Just wish I could shake off this dread/fear of having a heart attack or problem......

26-08-09, 04:58
Hi Blot,

I, too, have a fear of having heart problems. I always have pains everywhere (including my chest & jaw), feel nauseous, headaches, had really bad palpitations, etc. About 3 years ago, my father had ACS (acute coronary syndrome). He had also been a sufferer of anxiety and panic since he was in his 20's, a smoker for 37 years, untreated high blood pressure and cholesterol, etc. He actually had agorophobia at one point and still currently suffers from white coat syndrome. I had a long talk with him about my fears and all of the pains that I have. The one thing he said was when you have a heart attack, you will know it. There's no guessing - even though he had panic and anxiety problems for 40 years, he knew that there was a problem and got help. It wasn't like anything he had experienced before. Today he is doing well after having a few stents put in. However, after his ACS, I started with the "heart fear". Believe it or not, I actually wanted to be a cardiologist at one point when I was working in a cardiology office! Now I'm too afraid to even have my blood pressure checked! Ironic, isn't it??? I just want you to know that you're not alone....hopefully we'll be able to get past this and move on!

26-08-09, 13:17
I have pain in my lower jaw on and off for 20 years. Yes, it can be a sign of heart trouble but it is also a sign of TMJ. Clenching teeth, tension. There are so many other symptoms with a heart attack, please don't obsess over just jaw pain. Read up on TMJ and have the dentist evaluate you.

All of my relatives and good friends have been told by me to not send any medical emails. I tell them that I come on the internet to get away from stress and please to only send nice things. I am SO tired of these breast cancer warnings. When I get really annoyed, I tell them I can do my own research.

26-08-09, 14:10
Hey Blot

Pains in the jaw is also a sign of jaw pain.......and nothing else!!

That is a shocking email and would frighten a lot of people. But Im sure im not wrong insaying that there are ususally a lot more signs of a hearth attack than pain in the jaw area.

I hope your okay, its nasty when something triggers fear like that.


26-08-09, 16:46
Hi there dear friends. thanx so much for all your words of comfort, understanding & wisdom. I know that jaw pain is one of a few symptoms which may indicate a heart problem but I have SUCH a fear of a heart attack that I worry ALL THE TIME. The thing is that I get a pain in my jaw, I immediately go - aha,is this a sign of a heart attack which of course sends me into a panic attack with the full works of rapid heartrate,missed heartbeats etc.Now I have had ecgs,stress ecgs,24 hour monitoring halters,cardiac sonars, consulted cardiologists over the past 9 years who have all said that my heart is healthy.It does not change the fact that I get really really scared.....Ta for sharing your dad's experience - that he knew he was having cardiac problems & not a panic attack certainly helps to put things into perspective. And the pain in my jaw could be due to clenching my teeth which I do all the time. I have just gone through such a rough time since January with anxiety & panic after about 3 years of being panic free. It is ALWAYS good to know that there are others out there who understand how I feel, relate to my fears as I feel a tad lonely & vulnerable at times. so thanx again. I am on medication which the doc has increased to double my original dose - well I am struggling to just take such a huge dose as I am so worried about the side effects........