View Full Version : Any advice?

25-08-09, 23:37
Hello all,

I am new to this forum and have started to read many of your experiences which I hope will help me get rid of this horrible feeling of dread, panic and anxiety and, selfishly, that I am the only person feeling like this!

I just feel like it will never go away! Any advice?

Many Thanks

Madeleine.x :weep::blush:

26-08-09, 00:08
hi madeleine i have been on here a few days and the support is great.my advice sounds easier then it is ,dont worry and read up all u can because the more u know about your enemy lol the easier it is to beat.here if u need me.sam

26-08-09, 08:37
research and read up on it because you are not alone in this - knowledge is power and understanding panic attacks is a huge step towards beating them/coping with them better!

26-08-09, 08:51
Hi Madeleine

You are not alone, but when you are in the middle of it , it's a very scary place.

I dont think we ever get rid of anxiety as everyone has it, but we can learn to manage it, so that it doesn't become all consuming, its not easy, but it can be done, i feel i have to work at it constantly to try and keep it a a manageable level.

Best wishes

P x