11-10-05, 18:22
I visited a friend of mine today who works as a nurse in a doctors sugery. She told me about a lady who she met this week in her surgery who has had panic attacks for 2 years.
Apparently for the past 3 months this ladys panic attacks have stopped because her doctor put her on the mini pill as a treatment for panic, she told my friend she is really pleased to get her life back!

Now obviously i am very cautious about hearing this news but at the same time am thinking maybe its worth a go. I always get bad PMT and my panics get worse during this time of the month.

Has anyone else heard of this method or even tried this method ?
apparently it has to be the( mini pill)progesterone only pill to work.


11-10-05, 19:08
hmmm now thats strange! im not even on the pill, cant get to the drs to do so! good job i cant get out and get a bf aint it lol
Im gonna ask bout this1
Becci x x x

11-10-05, 19:10
hold it!!! lol news just in!!! lol mum says shes on this pill because shes reached a certain age and is a smoker, so she was put on the mini pill and it hasnt helped her...hmmm.

11-10-05, 19:31
hi mirry
your post is very interesting im on the mini pill and have been for a few years ,while i was on this pill i was still having the odd p/a and now still have a few bad days ,and im still left with horrible dizzy heads , so for me i don't think the mini pill has really helped with my p/a ,but i don't know it might help some people (sorry not much help) take care denise xx


11-10-05, 19:38
I think you have to be a bit careful coz of all the changes to your hormones...i'm sure my panic started with the pill

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

12-10-05, 07:59
Hi, I think hormone levels must go up and down like every other reading in the body ie: "blood pressure" "glucose levels" "iron levels".

I am wondering if the mini pill only helps people whos hormones are totally out of whack ? Either way i am certainly going to enquire at the family planning clinic about this as they must see thousands of people about these problems ?

On the phone last night i was telling another friend about it and she told me when she was 22 years old she suffered bad depression and her doctor put her on the pill to sort it out and it worked!

I will try anything to get rid of this problem but dont hold alot of hope[xx(]


12-10-05, 10:23
hi mirry
good luck with the family planning clinic , like you said anything thing is worth a try like i said it didn't do much for me but like you said it might work on other people please let us know how you get on
all the best denise xx


12-10-05, 10:27
well that ties in with my idea that somehow my anxiety has worsened 100% since just before i was diagnosed with polysyctic overys which is insulin, a hormone, related
i did ask my nurse and she said there has been no test but wuoldnt be surprised however my nan had died just before this who i was extremely close with but my sisters greived without panic or anxiety so maybe the hormone probs make us more suseptable just a thought based on no medical knowledge at all

12-10-05, 14:29
Hiya Mirry
I was put on mini pill due to age (plus smoking boo hiss) and it hasn't helped me at all i'm afraid. Not gonna say they make the attacks worse but don't make them better either......I usually find a bottle of vodka does the trick lol.

Take care

12-10-05, 15:58
after the day ive had think ill join you on that vodka as its my drink!


12-10-05, 16:43
I have been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries aswell but I'm really not sure if my anxiety has worsened or got better since! I'm on the combined pill so I'm really not sure.

Tis an interesting idea though...