View Full Version : A good evening.....

26-08-09, 04:24
Well - after work I was heading home wondering what kind of evening I was going to have - still thinking too much. I got home and aftere about an hour or so, it was like I could feel the anxiety leave me - I know it sounds strange, but I can actually feel it go away. Can't explain it....I still think about things, but in a normal sense - I think about having colon cancer and I am totally sain about it. I tell myself that it is totally possible but the chances are so low I shouldn't worry about it - and I'm not. I ate a good dinner and am getting ready to go to bed. Now why can't every night be like this. I would love to say that tomorrow AM will be the same way, it might be but more than likely not. Its like I can't controll when it happens....anxiety works in strange ways.

Do any of you have a good day/evenings once in a while and feel releived?? kind of like a higher powerr saying "okay, you get a break for a few hours and that is it!"

26-08-09, 08:34

I have this. On a morning every now and then i wake up and its not till lunch time i suddenly wonder where my anx went! Most odd. I feel so good when it happens, its like some1 just flicked a switch and said " u can relax today".

Hope u woke up with ur switch flicked x

26-08-09, 10:13
I know exactly what you mean. My anxiety nearly always (although not for the last few days!!) goes away during the evening. I can literally feel it drain away. Then I can think completely normally. When I'm anxious the thought of doing anything makes me scared and I feel the adrenalin coursing through me, but if I'm calm I can think of exactly the same things with no effect on my body and no worry at all. Weird isn't it? If only I could get my mind in the morning into the same gear as it is in the evening. Trying to do it but it isn't easy.:wacko: