View Full Version : Emotions up and down.

11-10-05, 21:40
My emotions are like a rollercoaster.

Although I'm suffering sometimes I'll think Just do it, I've had a good weekend moving and decorating. Tonight someone suggested a quiz night at the pub and my heart sank.

All my friends are there including my girlfriend and I'm here on the net on my own. Been crying bucketloads.

Sometimes it feels like this is neverending. Been three months, last time it was 2 years. That thought is depressing.

11-10-05, 22:32
Yes, it is sooo seesaw ish this recovery path,

One day fine , next day scared to move.. I remember it well, then the fine days do start to take over and become more frequent.

You have a good howl and then find something to do that helps you feel better and reminds you of how well you have been doing.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

11-10-05, 22:42
It's so frustrating, not only to me but to my friends etc.

They said i was fine when I went out a few weeks ago, its not their fault and its hard explaining it to them.

12-10-05, 08:20
Hi there,
It's hard for our friends and families to understand what we are going through sometimes, even if we explain things. I think if you haven't been through it you can't understand as well. They just want to see you well and happy really.
I know how you feel about it being neverending. I first had anxiety and panic two and a half years ago, it was the worst I've had but I got over it really quickly. Now it's back and is taking longer this time which is depressing/frustrating but I tell myself that I've done it before and I can do it again - and so will you.
Hang in there, take care.

12-10-05, 12:06
Didn't go to work today, couldn't face it. Woke up feeling dizzy and sick.

I used to love my job, now I couldn't care less. I just feel like a robot, I cant keep my mind on anything.

I feel Ive got no one to talk to, at least on a professional basis. I'm in a transitional period with my doctors following the move so no doubt it will be another three months before I get any help.

Thanks for your comments LJ/Meg. I know this is a setback, I've had a terrible three days. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.....

12-10-05, 13:03
I've had days just as you're describing but it does get better in time.
Don't forget that moving in itself is pretty stressful and any stressful situation can make symptoms flare up. I know how you feel about work too, I was like that at my worst a couple of years ago.
Take it easy,

12-10-05, 17:05
What an awful morning (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5278)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

Sue K with 5
12-10-05, 23:05

Anxiety is one emotional rollercoaster one min we can feel on top of the world, the next we hit the ground so damn fast we dont know how to control it, you have done a hell of a lot at the weekend, be proud of your achievments! dont dwell on tonight, see this as your body needing a break and relax and enjoy the peace ! try again at the weekend! use it as a form of celebration for how well you did last weekend and dont beat yourself up

Each new step is a move to recovery

Sue with 5


13-10-05, 09:47
I wish I could relax, I wish my mind would just switch off, I think we all do though!!

It's just getting to me the fact that its a lovely house in a nice area and Ive got these horrible feelings again, I just want to be the same as my friends and be at ease with everything like shopping and going to the pub. I'm so edgy. It's horrible.

Ive signed up to the National Phobics society, I'm gonna try their CBT and Hynotherapy. Only £15 per session. Bargain!!

13-10-05, 14:39
Great desicion.

Look forward to hearing how it goes for you.

It is a really good bargain.

You know the feelings come from within you in response to your thoughts and have nothing to do with location.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-10-05, 15:21
I should be referred within 2 weeks, I know 'Pips' has joined too.

back at work today and feeling a lot better. Gonna go for a pub lunch tonight, see how that goes.


13-10-05, 23:59
i have the same thing, one minute i am all happy and cheerful and funny and the next minute i dont want to do anything but lay down and sleep or close my eyes, cause they feel so heavy. or one minute i want to be with my girlfriend and the next i dont. its really frustrating. especially when you feel like youre in control and then all of a sudden you feel a little anxious and you know what it is, but you still cant help but start panicking...i hate it.
