View Full Version : Trouble Breathing Or Just Anxiety , Please Help?

26-08-09, 05:35
Today I had a neigbor coming over and to tell you the truth I was feeling a little anxious about them coming over.He came in for a few minutes and I was talking to him and noticed I was getting a little out of breath and then a little dizzy.

After he left I started feeling a little better. Later I was laying on my side and my neck was a little constricted and my cousin called. I was talking to her and felt dizzy again. I wasn't really in the mood of talking to her and got a little anxious too.

After we got off the phone I started noticing I was a little hoarse and couldn't really talk that well feeling a little out of breath. My wife is here and I ask her if she thought i was breathing ok and she said yes, but im feeling a little anxious , The weather here has been kind of colder and wet. We are high up in the mountains and used to dry weather. Its been almost like we were breathing water today because of the humidity .

Im just wondering am I really having issues with breathing or am I just feeling a little anxious. Please post to me im feeling a little scared.

26-08-09, 19:25
i am sure it is a mixture of the humidity and anxiety, i have it all the time ... seems like we have a fleeting thought of breathlessness which then makes us focus on our breathing which then makes us breathe out of sync.... :-( don't know if it will help you, but what i always do is either sing a happy song out loud (the singing automatically makes you breathe right lol) or whistle a happy tune whilst playing solitaire or scrabble on computer, the combination of breathing better and the distraction of the game takes my mind off my breathing always works....hope it works for you too ....

kath x

26-08-09, 23:27
yup i think thats what is happening what kath said. that used to happen to me all the time to. i would think about my breathing and it would turn into a mess. well i hope u kick this off good luck.