View Full Version : Thyroid

12-10-05, 11:07
Hi everyone

I have just been looking up the symptons to under active thyroid and I seem to have them all, but these are all symptons of depression also apart from heavy and prolonged periods from which I also suffer.

On previous blood tests which were taken years ago nothing showed up but I have heard that most cases if they are mild to moderate do not show up.

What I am wondering is if anyone else has looked this up and think that there could be something wrong with their thyroid and if anyone has bought any thyroxine or would you know if your throid was underactive.

My symptoms are

taking ages to get going in the morning and feeling cold.
skin on my face feels coarse.
feel the cold and always have cold feet
feel like I have had no sleep when I wake - depression I know
heavy periods
hoarse voice
but I do feel better mid - late afternoon.

Was just wondering if anyone had investigated this and what the outcome was.

many thanks


12-10-05, 11:57
I would get the blood tests done again just in case. I get mine done every other year just to check it (part of some other routine tests I have done).

I wouldn't go buying any thyroxine and taking it without a proper diagnosis - could make you ill!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

12-10-05, 12:17
Hi Nicola

I agree that it would be a good idea to see your doctor and ask for a blood test. A lot of the symptom of underactive thyroid also occur in depression but it is worth ruling out a medical cause.

Taking Thyroxine when your thyroid is working fine is liable to make you ill and could cause symptoms of anxiety if you have too much thyroxine in your body.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

12-10-05, 12:44
I've got my test on the 18th October.

I shouls have had it three months ago.

12-10-05, 13:22
My thyroid tests always come back ok but I actually have a massive thyroid goiter (growth). My mum had the same and so did her two sisters - all have had to have them taken out! Although my bloods have been fine I am aware of the fact that this could be affecting my anxiety etc. I am due to see my consultant on 16th November where hopefully we'll discuss getting the flamin thing out and putting me on thyroxine!

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

Sue K with 5
12-10-05, 23:07

Taking medication for an unprescribed diagnosis is pretty risky, I agree with the others make sure you have all the routine tests and then look at other alternatives to your symptoms if your GP gives you the all clear, could be that your body is just very run down due to anxiety or depression

Let us know how you get on

Sue with 5
