View Full Version : Feeling overwhelmed with this

26-08-09, 11:52
Hi all
i am feeling so overwhelmed at the moment and i really need some help.
For the last 18 months i have been in a very stressful situation and it's now comeing to an end, the trouble is a few weeks ago (7/8 weeks ago) i started feeling quite strange, exhausted, couldn't concentrate, feeling low, going to sleep wake up after 2 hours then back to sleep till 8 no problem getting back to sleep but couldn't understand what was waking me up, i'm 46 so thought i must be starting the change of life, googled that, sure enough that's what it was so off i went for blood tests to confirm, tests came back normal......i'm devastated i thought for sure thats what it was and some HRT would cure all this, but now it's not that i'm back to square 1 is it anxiety? stress? i have suffered severe emitaphobia for 20 years, had panic attacs badly for 10 years but overcame the worst of those and have learned over the years to control them, but this is all new and very frightening to me, like i say i have suffered anxiety before and know it can make you feel dreadful, but i have never had these symptoms before, all this waking up feeling low etc so i'm now so confused and me head is screaming with pain.
I'm worldly enough to know what stress can do but it's hard to accept this is stress as it came on so suddenly, i feel when my painc attacks and emitaphobia started all those years ago i have learned to deal with them and this recent stress i have been under i also assumed i was manageing, it was a worrying time and things were playing out everyday in my mind but i thought i was ok, could i just have been thinking i was ok when really this stress was doing the damage and manifesting, see i'm looking for answers that will make me feel "normal" again.
I have another problem in that i will not take anti depressants, no idea why but the thought of them just sends me into a frenzy, the thoughts i'm having at the moment are awfull thoevertime i'm alone in the house i feel like i'm going to kill myself do something stupid when in reality i don't want to die, i was visiting a friend the other night who lives in a new apartment block on the 4th floor, as i'm a smoker i went outside to have a cig, when from nowhere i felt like i was going to throw myself off the balcony and not realise i was doing it....oh my god i sound crazy but is this making any sence to anyone? surely this type of behaviour isn't stress or is it?

Hope someone can relate to this even tho i wouldn't wish this on any one of you :)
Sharon xxx

26-08-09, 14:19
Hi Sharon

I have experienced these thoughts and feelings too. I think it is just a part of Anxiety.

13 yrs ago i had depression/anxiety and i kept thinking "what if i took an overdose and died". I didn't want to even though I was feel pretty low at the time. One day I just made myself stand and look at the box of tablets and i remember saying out loud to myself "There you go the tablets are there, you know you don't want to take them and you know you won't, it is just the thoughts of my anxious mind, thats all" After that I was able to learn to disregard this thought and after a while i was rarely troubled by it.
I have had other intrusive thoughts at times of anxiety, but i have tried to deal with each one in a similar manner.

I have been fine mostly for the last 13years but the last 10 weeks i have had anxiety and depression again, i have found this NMP to be really informative and supportive. I read through the posts that are relevant to my problems and it has helped immensley to know that i am not alone with this.

Hope this has helped a bit.

Sue xxx:hugs: