View Full Version : So much for the good evening...

26-08-09, 15:22
Woke up this morning feeling "okay" - and by now my stomach is going wacko and the anxiety is back! I am going to the GP today for a medication recheck. I am going to tell her about my colon cancer fears and see what she can help me with. I am soooo scared she is going to say "yep, I think you have colon cancer we must send you in immediately for a bettery of testing" I know that sounds silly but, that is what I am thinking!! Oh, my stomach hurts right now!! Thinking way too much!!

26-08-09, 15:29
I do that too, have these mental images of the dr suggesting that i might be right about my worse fears and that I will need tests and it will take ages to confirm it all.......but it helps to remember that these are only thoughts and not reality.

I have tested this theory over and over and told my dr my very worst symptoms that I fear and everytime I have left the surgery feeling emensly releived and asometimes even a tad silly!

My mind goes absolutely mental with worry about health if i leave it unchecked, i think thats totally normal with anxiety and I think that we have to try and be in charge and stop the anxiety getting into our daily functioning as much as possible so that it doesnt take over.

Easier said than done I know.


26-08-09, 15:39
Okay - the sain side of me is saying she is going to do a little chaning of my meds and let me know that I should not be concerned about colon cancer at this time (when I hit 50 I will be screened yearly)...and that will be it! But the anxitey side of me is going crazy with every possible seniro.....

Isn't it just a fight sometimes to have a normal day???? Some people pray to win the lottery (which would be nice) I pray for just a normal feeling day - that is the lottery to me!

26-08-09, 15:40
P.S. I am trying NOt to take my Xanax pill....I haven't yet!

26-08-09, 16:16
hey there Barb, how did your appointment fare with your GP?

26-08-09, 17:36
I leave in about an hour - my stomach is doing flip-flops! I'll let you all know how it turns out! :shrug: :wacko:

26-08-09, 20:32
Back from the GP - I was a BASKET case the hour before and leading up to the appointment....my blood pressure was through the roof. I told her about my concerns with colon cancer. I told her I found the symptoms online .....she basically told me to stay off line when it comes to medical issues. She told me that we needed to treat the anxiety first (she didn't seem too concerned about colon cancer at all) - and that the symptoms I have, even though they may be listed as colon cancer on the web, are also related to anxiety. She is starting me on BuSpar.....anyone take this???