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26-08-09, 15:28
Hi im 19

i used to have really bad panic attacks wen i was just a kid, like 11 years old, i had them for so long and ended up being off school for 3months which realli knocked my confidence. they seemed to last forever and after a while i was free from them for a few years. but suddenly in the past month they have came back and im feelin constantly anxious, waiting for the next one, i suppose like me people on here just need reasurance

we all kinda knw that its nothing harmful, but the symtoms are so real and scary

anyway, iknow that it can go away because it did for me for a good couple of years, but its the constant thoughts of wanting it to go, and panicking about having another one that is stopping that from happening, everyday is a new different symptom!

26-08-09, 18:27
Hi nineteen

makes me feel old - I'm 41!!!!! I really feel for you and hope you get all the support you hope for from this site. You will recover and in the meantime - be kind to yourself...

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....


26-08-09, 20:34
A huge warm welcome to nmp

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx