View Full Version : Radial Nerve Injury

26-08-09, 16:27

Couple weeks ago i dived into swimming pool, but the moment my head touched the water i felt a sharp stabbing pain in my neck and back. My back seized up and i been in intolerable pain.

Been to see chiropractor and they told me its called 'Cervical Radiculopathy'. Basically the 'Radial Nerve' is irritated. Pain travels top of my right neck, shoulder and down my right arm. Numbness in my hand and 2 fingers.

Anyone esle had anything similar? Ive also had an xray but that was fine. Would an xray show any damage to my discs?

Id appreciate any feed back as im still in alot of pain and off work. I cant even sit up for long.:weep:

26-08-09, 17:16
Hi there i had the same - radial nerve injury - except mine was done by puting my arm through a glass door... if you are in pain the doc can sometimes prescribe amitriptlyn (not sure of spelling) its and anti depressant but is used for nerve pain and can help you get to sleep... i actually sliced through my radial nerve. it was a good 2 years ago and i still have limited feeling in my hand and arm.

the amitriptlyne does help though so ask your gp maybe what he thinks

get well soon xx

26-08-09, 17:43
Hi mate

how long before you started to get over the main symptoms?

Did they start from your neck & back or just the arm?

27-08-09, 05:31
Its just after 5am and im up in pain.....again!!!

How would i know if its because i popped a disc in my neck/upper back??

X ray came back fine.

31-08-09, 19:48
Mine was just my arm, it was agony but the amitryptline helped it a lot. it helped me to sleep and continues to help me sleep now... as this was an injury only to my radial nerve i dont know what to suggest for your discs...sorry mate

10-09-09, 19:59

I have something simular, and it also causes numbness in my fingers.

All I can say is try to trust the professionals and believe that it will get better. I was told by the physio that I would start to see improvement after 3 weeks of treatment, and it is true, at last my fingers are feeling a little less numb!

I didn't believe him and was sure that I was going to suffer forever, but he was right.

best of luck