View Full Version : Pulmonary Embolism

12-10-05, 13:44
Is there anyone on here that knows someone who has had a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lungs) or know alot about them.

I know the classic symptoms are sudden chest pain, shortness of breath including rapid breathing and difficulty breathing.

I have had some bad chest pains since sunday thats why i had my ECG done yesterday wouldn't have thought anything bad was found otherwise i would have known.

I am slightly out of breath and i am worried that maybe i could have a small one in my lungs that could get bigger i worry even more because apparaently 70% of people with pulmonary embolism go undiagnosed and blame it on other things such as asthma etc i have asthma so if i had one they would probably say it was asthma causing it.

I wonder if you get sudden chest pain or chest pain which comes and goes like me, i am getting sharp pains in the middle of my chest not constantly but quite abit, but surely if i had a pulmonary embolism i would have very bad breathing difficutlies as well?

I am constantly feeling very tired and worn out as well.

I am also feeling very dizzy, had this for past 2 weeks, going to see doc next week to ask about this dizziness.

I would appreciate any advice and comments, thanks.

12-10-05, 14:20
Hi Andrew,
I don't know much about them but was in hospital recently with a suspected one.
I was told you'd have constant chest pain, a racing heart, breathing problems and the symptoms wouldn't settle at all even at night. There would also be ECG changes in the right side of the heart as well as abnormalities on some blood tests.
I still get chest pain and breathless and worry sometimes that they missed a small one in me too but I have to trust that they knew what they were doing and the fact that I am still here four weeks later is good too!
It sounds like yours is anxiety and you're worrying about the ECG results. If they had found something wrong they would have contacted you, also if your gp suspected a clot he/she would have sent you for more tests.

12-10-05, 15:44
Thanks for your reply LJ, another thing i seem to have is slight pain when breathing in which i know is another sign and i am very worried about this, also i have a very tight chest constantly which could possibly be caused by my asthma maybe anxiety or even a blood clot.

My peak flow has gone down quite abit by around 40-50, i keep taking my inhalers but it doesnt really help that's why i think it could be something serious.

I know a blood clot kills you quite quickly and i have had these problems for 3 days but i do worry.

As i said i went to the doctors on monday complaining of slight breathing problems and a tight chest and pains in the chest and she sent me for an ECG i know it causes a right ventricular strain if you have a blood clot but the nurse who did the ECG said the doctor would do the report for the ECG yesterday afternoon and then send the results back to my doctor i just hope the results were ok and i hope i have not got a blood clot, i cannot stop thinking and worrying about things though especially when i have all these horrible symptoms!!!!

12-10-05, 15:46
What you are describing are classical anxiety symptoms again, it is all to do with worrying, the more you worry the worse they get, try to do something to take your mind off of it and they will soon go away.
Take Care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

12-10-05, 17:23
These all the symptoms i am having.

1.feeling very tired and worn out.
2.chest tightness.
3.chest pains.
4.feel slightly out of breath.
5.feel very hot.
6.feel dizzy and light-headed.

Peak flow is down to 330, mine is normally between 350-400.

Worried mainly about constant chest tightness pains and breathing, all are typical classic pulmonary embolism symptoms!!

12-10-05, 17:45
They are all classic anxiety symptoms too, try not to worry. I have had all the symptoms you mention in the past and have alot of them now too.
Take care,

12-10-05, 17:55
Hello Andrew
My friend had a pulmonary embolism 2 years ago(she is still here to tell the tale).She said the chest pain was like worse than any pain she had ever felt(and she has given birth twice!!)
I am almost certain this is your anxiety.As i type this ,i too have really bad chest pain and breathlessness but im just trying to sit it out

Hope you feel better soon

12-10-05, 18:07
Normally there are risk factors for getting a pulmonary embolism, i know most people at risk are elderly people who spend alot of time in bed, people who are pregnant or just had a child, people who are obese, people who have had operations and have spent alot of time in bed.

Even thought i have none of these risk factors i could still get/have a pulmonary embolism.

I read that large or multiple blood clots in the lungs can cause sudden death, and that 1 in 10 people who have a pulmonary embolism die if left untreated as it is a very serious condition, i was i could stop worrying about it!!!

12-10-05, 18:19

As you yourself point out *i have none of these risk factors*

So why do you think, being objective and rational here , you would get a *large or multiple blood clots in the lungs * as a first one ever, rather than a little one or even none at all....

It's extremely highly unlikely.

Also, this time it may have been 3 days that you've been struggling this time, but these are not new symptoms for you, you have had them intermittantly for months also with these same fears about a clot and have been investigated for this but have been declared healthy.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-10-05, 18:35
Even if i only had a small blood clot it would get bigger and kill me.

These chest pains i have had in the last 3 days are the worst i have had yet, i haven't beend eclared healthy by my doctor infact she has hardly said anything, she sent me for a ECG yesterday and i don't know yet what the results of that are so i am still worried.

12-10-05, 18:40
Well i am 2 stone overweight according to my doc that could cause me to have one although im only 23.

12-10-05, 18:43
Another thing is i don't do that much exercise and i sit at my pc desk for hours sometimes and that's a risk itself.

12-10-05, 19:17

Ok let's look at the facts. I looked back over your previous posts and some go right back to February with the same problems and symptoms and you are still alive and here so it can't be anything that serious.

You could really do with some specific CBT for Health Anxiety as they will be able to help you understand the logic behind these thoughts etc.

If sitting at a PC all day and being 2 stone overweight is a risk then there is no hope for me!!!

You will drive yourself mad with these thoughts all the time and you need to start doing something to work on them. What do you do all day? Do you work ? I think you need some kind of distraction to stop you sitting around and thinking of the next thing that could possibly be wrong with you that will kill you.

You need to trust the doctors on this one and accept that these aches and pains are all "normal" anxiety symptoms or you will never ever be free of them.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

12-10-05, 19:28
When i went to the doctors on monday it was a disgrace! so hardly took any notice of my symptoms and gave me her personal opinion and a personal lecture!

She said i should be better by now, and that within 4 weeks i should get off my backside and get back into work, i said i'm not ready to go back to work i have been unemployed for 2 years now.

She said she would refer me to a specialist if i was not better within 4 weeks but she upped my pills to 20mg!

She said i was fat and overweight, and i am too young to be ill and off work it was a terrible experience, but i have made a complaint to the practice manager.

She didnt care much ok she sent me for an ECG, but she took no notice of the fact my stomach has been bloated constantly for 4 weeks or anyting, she didn't reassure me or put my mind at rest about anything it was the worst appointment i have ever had and she has only been my doctor for the last 4 months!!

12-10-05, 19:30
The doctor has never turned round to me and said "these symptoms are due to anxiety" i have never heard those words, there's no reassurance or anything and that does not help me at all no wonder i worry all the time!!

12-10-05, 19:46
Sorry you have had a really bad experience with your doctor - that was uncalled for and unprofessional and you did right to bring it to someones attention.

*Another thing is i don't do that much exercise and i sit at my pc desk for hours sometimes and that's a risk itself. *

So AD - do something here to help yourself. You can address this lack of exercise problem yourself and your diet if its is contributing to your overweightness.

Start an exercise plan and get up from your desk each hour and have a walk around, thus dramatically lowering your risk of clots to even less than it already is.

Health is your responsibility so do as much as you can to help yourself to health.

No point worrying and getting in such a state if you're not doing what you can to minimize the risks and maximise your recovery potential.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-10-05, 19:50
Sounds like you need a doctor! She doesn't have a very good bedside manner does she? Is there someone else in the surgery you can see?

Maybe getting back to work would be the making of you cos you would have something to focus on, be productive and distracted. You could do something part time to start with then see how it goes.

I would ask her for the referral - that could help at least.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

12-10-05, 20:00
What Meg said really struck a chord with me there.
Our health really is our own responsibility,my husband often gets frustrated with me because i sit and worry a lot instead of making positive changes to help myself.
I understand how hard it can be though,i am at a point now where i struggle to get through a day,yet it wasnt soo long ago that i was going to the gym,meeting friends at the pub etc
I am going through a really rough period at the moment,but i have to believe it will pass Andrew,and so must you.
I understand how scared you are because i am feeling chronic right now
You are not going to die,you have to try to find distractions

Take care
Hunny x

12-10-05, 20:00
I do get off from the pc every hour/2 hours to have a break now and again and to make drinks and food etc.

The doctor was more like a jobcentre plus adviser or pretending to be my mum i felt she acted very appallingly and unprofessional and maybe even committed misconduct i have asked to change GP's as a result of this as i point blank refuse to see her again!!

12-10-05, 20:12
Good for you but you still need to address the health issues here as well.

What do you do on the PC all day - not googling for health problems I hope lol!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

12-10-05, 20:24
I do google sometimes yes i know bad mistake, i don't do much on the pc to be honest apart from buy and sell on ebay and afew other things.

I want to try and get my health sorted but this doctor hasn't helped me at all i hope some other doctor will instead!!

12-10-05, 20:46
Hi Andrew,
I think what your doctor has said to you is actually very good advice, if you did go back to work then you wouldn't have the time to sit at the pc all day and think about your anxiety. Also the doctor can only re assure you so many times about the same problem, and this is why they tend to get a bit harder with you everytime you go, as obviouly to the doctor it looks as if you don't trust what they are telling you when you go back again and again for exactly the same thing. I have read a lot of your posts and they all basically say the same thing, even after people have given you some great advice, so if you do the same at the doctors, she must have run out of advice now.
Trust your doctor and you will be fine

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

12-10-05, 20:52
I very rarely hardly go to the doctors, as i don't always trust them, they have never reassured me at all, the doctor had no right to say everything that she did and i hope the complaint confirms that and action will be taken against her.

It was only the 2nd time i have ever been to the docs about chest pain so i don't go there complaining all the time, however now i am changing GP's i hopefully will get more reassurance and a GPa with a better attitude and hopefully they will be able to help me abit more!!

13-10-05, 21:47
I must say I agree with Trac, I have recently had a 24hr heart monitor for rapid heart beat and imagined all sorts, I started with this months ago but only after hospital admission did I have the ecg.
I am convinced as long as Im working it is much better, my mind is taken off it and I do not sit at pc all day,
My GP recently mentioned going part time at work to help control my anxieties, I guess following my response she wont suggest it again in a hurry.
I hope you get it sorted and your chest, Ive also been there, so you see it is all part and parcel, we have to learn to live with it.
I only occasionaly go toGP and never sit, then Im out quicker.Hope you find the answers you are looking for,Alexis,x
