View Full Version : do i have a blod clot

26-08-09, 18:23
hey everyone
oh god here it has come back again last few days have been terrible, some of you may know me for always worring about my head and dizziness, but last few days it has been my breathing....

i am 31 weeks pregnant and am in such a mess as i feel so breathless, i have been getting this strange tingling like creepy crawly feeling in my back around where my lungs are and i am petrified i have a blod clot on my lung, this can be quite common in pregnancy cant it ?????

i also keep feeling so so dizzy but cant work out if that is coz i am anxious i am so scared and so worried please help me oh why does it have to keep comming back when you do so well gggggggggrrrrrrrrr

thankyou for taking time too read xx

26-08-09, 18:58
Hi there, have your considered that you feel a little light headed bc you are feeling panicky & anxious? I get those symptoms when I feel anxious. The creep crawly feelings could be anxiety related too! Sometimes we feel light headed or dizzy when our blood pressures are lower than usual.Remember that during pregnancy it is normal to have a lower blood pressure. Hope this helps.....I know how scary these symptoms are,really I do.....

26-08-09, 19:10

I have had a blood clot on my lungs(many years ago) and you are fine!!!!

Please stop worrying

Im not a doctor of course but I think you would have either had severe pelvic pain or a nasty throbbing red leg first

You dont get a blood clot in your lungs it travels from elsewhere in your body

If it was in your lungs you would not be breathless but throwing up blood and in severe pain

Being as you are pregnant I suspect its just the little bundle of joy pressing on lungs etc and making you this way!!!

Like I said Im not medicaly qualified and you should chat to midwife etc but to me it sounds like the joys of pregnancy........having had 2 kids that were around 10lb each I can sympathise!!!!

I also cant spell lol:roflmao:

Take good care of you and bump

Kaz x x x:hugs:

26-08-09, 20:21
thankyou both so much for your replies, has made me feel a bit better, god it has gripped me big time today have tried to dismiss my thoughts but as you know the more you think about it the worst it seems to get.

thankyou again so much xxx

27-08-09, 10:30

Just to tell yu that I got this in loads of different places. Weird tingly feeling. I think its baby pushing onthe nerves, it certainly didnt come to anything.

Dont worry sweetie its all okay
