View Full Version : Just waiting for something bad to happen

26-08-09, 21:05
Lately I have developed a fear of being arrested. At night every little noise outside I think its the police, Or if someone knocks my door gone 4pm I assume its bad news and the police have come to arrest me.

The feeling of something bad happening doesn't stop just there though. Its with everything.

I feel as if Im just waiting to die. There's nothing to look forward to and I have convinced myself I haev some sort of illness which is killing me.

Is there an end to this? Will I have these feeling along with my panic attacks and anxiety for ever?

I just wish wish wish wish wish wish wish I was my normalt self again.

26-08-09, 23:16
Its all part of anxiety. I too have a massive fear of getting into trouble and once for a whole week sat on my sofa convinced the police were going to break down my door......... why? I've never broken the law even?

I guess fear builds fear and you'll try to justify the feelings no matter how bizarre.

Maybe you need to see your doctor and explain your feelings of terror and see what s/he can do for you.

Take care and be kind to yourself :)

27-08-09, 01:03
We all feel like that. Its part of depression and anxiety . Try to think of something else. Read a magazine, look out the window ,think of good times you have had in the past try to look forward and think of things you will do in the future. Try as hard as you can to think of anything but what you are.

You do have much too look forward to it only seems that way right now.

27-08-09, 17:23
aww heh, I agree that I think it's just part of the general feeling of panic/anxiety. I think it can just manifest itself in different ways - mine is just general tension and underlying mild OCD.

But yeah, I think it's just a matter of helping yourself to relax and giving yourself things to do that will occupy your mind naturally so you won't worry about those things too much :)

Or invite some friends round, if there aren't too many people around atm (i don't know your living situation ofc :) )

27-08-09, 20:24
Hey thanks for the replies everyone. Still feeling like it today. Didn't answer the door earlier or go to see who it was in case it was bad news lol.

I wish I could see a doctor Sue, I haev ZERO faith in them though after fighting with them so much over my panic and anxiety. They wont put me on CBT and pretty much have told me either take medication or stop coming here bothering us. To be honest, I dont see the point in doctors, I mean if I fainted in a surgery, All they would do is ring an ambulance lol.

Thanks again though for the replies, Will try and look for something to focus on and maybe I could invite someone around, No one ever comes here I spend too much time on my own :(