View Full Version : Anyone???

Rick Loader
26-08-09, 21:28
for a year now ive felt crap in my self never feeling fresh full of energy does anyone feel the same... i just seem to feel every day like crap and in a dream world... dont know what to do to make me feel better... any ideas?


26-08-09, 21:33
Have you tried excercise rick,

This helps my mood massively if i have done a workout, i never used to feel up to it but when i workout i always feel great afterwards.

just a suggestion

di xx

Rick Loader
26-08-09, 22:23
Maybe that is the key, My week generaly consists of going to work coming home and lazying about doing not alot really... i go places at weekend but nothing energetic but i do alot of lifting at work and stood up all day. My diet is rubbish i eat crap all the time maybe thatws why i feel how i do


26-08-09, 22:37

I have an exhausting job, but its not the same as the exercise i do, its such a brill feeling when you have done some kind of workout, and eating healthy plays such a part too.

Anything is worth a try, but do give it a go and you will notice it does affect your mood.

best wishes

di xx