View Full Version : HELP am i pregnant?

26-08-09, 23:52
I'm so worried, i was lying down and i felt a heartbeat in my lower abdomen (below my bellybutton) that was similar but not the same to my pulse
I have been really worried lately if i am pregnant or not (although ive never had sex, but i have fooled around with my boyfriend, and fingers have been put places so pregnancy is technically a possibility)
ive never noticed this before, so im very scared i might be pregnant
please please help:weep:

27-08-09, 00:57
It would pretty much be very hard to get pregnant with out actually having sex I imagine.

27-08-09, 00:58
The earliest a fetal heart beat you can get is 6 weeks. So did you fooled around 6 weeks ago? Even if you did it's so hard just to get pregnant from fooling around. Getting fingered with a hand with sperm on it, has such a low concentration of sperm, it probably wouldn't be enough to impregnanate someone. Think about artificial implatation. They trust sperm up a woman's vagina during her fertile time with a needle! I don't think they rub sperm near the vagina, because that doesn't work! The only time it is minutely possible is when it is your fertile time. The average fertile time for a woman is 2 weeks after the first day of their last period, but every woman's cycle is different. There are fertility tests you can get at drug stores to find out when yours is, if that would calm your mind. This time only lasts 24-28 hours anyway. And this time is the only time in a month a woman can get pregnant. And that pulse you took yourself, was probably inaccurate anyway. Your fingers have a pulse too. To me, you just sound paranoid. If you are really worried, take a pregancy test to calm your nerves, but I really don't think you need one. Freaking out that your pregnant can actually delay your period! It's crazy how powerful your mind can be. It can make you feel great, and it can make you feel awful. Hope this kind of helped!

27-08-09, 00:59
no there's an artery that runs through your belly, that's what your feeling, it's normal i have it too and yes the pulse is different too.

27-08-09, 01:08
your pulse (what you're feeling) isn't always exactly the same as your heart beat. It can vary just slightly because the blood is rushing around your body. The pulse is what happens when the pressure inside the artery increases AFTER each heart beat. So it's perfectly normal for you to feel *heartbeat* then *pulse*

And as was already stated, it's VERY unlikely to get pregnant from being fingered. There would pretty much have to be a glob of sperm, immediate insertion, and then you'd have to be ovulating at the time. The further the sperm is from the inner vagina, the harder it is for it to reach the egg. Add to that the fact that sperm die as soon as semen is dry. This means that if it was only a bit of semen on his hands.. it was likely very dry by the time he fingered you.. and thusly all the sperm would be dead. That's why I said it would have to be "a glob".. not to be crude. Only a large quantity of semen would have a chance of still having vital sperm if left outside the vagina for more than a minute or two.

27-08-09, 07:57
No, I doubt VERY much that you are pregnant. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and you cant even feel a heartbeat through the skin now, unless with the instrument the midwife uses to listen in.

You have arteries in your stomach as well as muscles which can spasn. I have had this alot in the past, especially when I am anxious. I once once given anti spasm medication by the doctor to stop it. Honestly, I can't in a million years see that you may be pregnant, why don't you do a home test if you are this worried?? If you were pregnant, that would be totally unconnected to 'pulse' feeling in your stomach.

27-08-09, 10:37

I agree with all the others that the chances of you being pregnant are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo low that it is obvious that you are basing your worry on pure anxiety and not fact.

The tummy pulse is totally normal. Strange because when i was younger i thought the exact same thing once and i worried about it for a few days until I asked a friend and they also had it.

Try and be nice to yourself and stop stressing yourself out !!


27-08-09, 19:54
You're feeling your pulse in your stomach, I get that sometimes too.

The chances of you getting pregnant from that are millions to one, it's harder to get pregnant than you might think, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful!

Take care! :)