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View Full Version : Panic & Other Problems

Flying Badger
27-08-09, 00:57
Hi All.

I was talking to my acupunturist earlier today, discussing how people with certain problems tend to be more susceptible to others. I was wondering how true this might be with anxiety / panic problems. I thought I would say which other medical problems I have, and see if the same or similar can be said for other people.

I've had problems with my ears since birth. I am about 60% deaf in the right ear, and have been refered to ENT several times for persistant infections.

I also suffer with IBS. The pain from it isn't usually severe, but annoying. It tends to sit about level with my stomach, and also really low down in my abdomen. It feels like a tight rubber band being pressed against me. It sometimes feels like a muscle cramp.

For about 2 years, I've had a constant, severe pain in the right flank, and also 'down below'. For several months, a GP and urologist was sure I had kidney stones, but they have been ruled out. The current working diagnosis is some kind of nerve hypersensitivity. This is unusual, as I normally have a very high tollerence to pain.

My acupuncturist suggested that a hight pain threshold might be down to having a high amount of adreniline / endorphins in my system, which, as I understand, can also be a cause of anxiety.

As I said, I just thought it would be interesting to see if anyone else has similar health issues, and also struggles with anxiety / panic / depression.



27-08-09, 19:26
Hi Gary,

After reading through your post, I can say that inner ear problems can cause Panic and Anxiety, which can lead to Depression.

I recently had Labyrinthitus, which, (in case you didn't know), is an inner ear problem causing balance and vision problems as the receptors in your brain don't work or 'communicate' as quickly between the eyes and ears. Incredibly weird sensation which makes you feel other worldy then panicky then anxious etc etc.

I hope this helps a bit?


Flying Badger
27-08-09, 20:30
Hi Madeleine.

Yes, I've heard (if you'll excuse the slight pun) of Labyrinthitus. I've never been checked for that, but the symptoms you describe are quite familiar. I don't get them often, but I certainly know the strange, floating feeling. The only other time I've had that is when I first given morphine in hospital. It's amazing just how much trouble a slightly unhappy ear can cause!

When I was last under ENT, one of the professors told me I had a Cholesteatoma (a benign, but destructive growth in the ear) caused by a retracted ear drum. He also said I would need surgery fairly quickly to prevent it destroying the mastoid bone. On a later appointment, a consultant said this was not the case, and I was discharged from ENT.

I've also just remembered, the first time I went to see ENT about my voice / throat problems, the professor mentioned that there was some evidence that people with IBS are more prone to neuralgia, often around the facial area.

