View Full Version : I feel like a broken shell of a man, but man I feel better for being on NMP :)

27-08-09, 07:07
Its funny how sometimes this website is one of the only things that can perk me up :)

I felt so terrible, and still do a little. I just wanted to sit here at work and cry :( I felt so alone, its like the world is so huge with so many people but there is no-one here to talk to, even online it feels dead, you know?

But at least I have this place to always turn to, it was the only thing that made me smile as I knew there would be people here and they might be feeling kinda similar to the way I feel sometimes.

And yes once again a lot of this was triggered by a girl again with me, as well as life itself. I cant get her out of my head, again, and I feel so alone and very, very unloved.

All I want is cuddles with someone I love to make life feel perfect, but that feels like its slipping away more and more with each passing day.

But at least I have this place to come to when Im feeling low, or when I need a lil group hug. It might stop me from crying ._.

Hoppi :'(

27-08-09, 08:02
Hi Hoppi

just thought i would send you a wee hug to start the day :hugs: , but then decided to send you a big one :bighug1:.

Hope things improve for you soon,

be kind to yoursef and take care

P x

27-08-09, 16:25
aww thank you, i was having a seriously rough morning! :)

27-08-09, 16:43
:bighug1: Here is a hug from me to! I know it is only virtual but sent with loads of love and support!!!

27-08-09, 17:18
hope your feeling a bit better now but heres a few hugs to help you on your way:hugs: :bighug1:

27-08-09, 17:18
aww thank you both of you :) ... man i need to hit this nail on the head or I will just KEEP getting hurt by girls, you know? I need to get more elements of my life in check or i'll be so fragile and probably a ticking time bomb to like, giving up completely or panic attacks or something :'(

27-08-09, 20:11
i feeling a little better atm, we are on fairly stable and good terms! So yeah, I'm feeling a bit more content, but then it's so hard to gauge how it will change, but yeah for now all is good :)

Thank you for the kind words! :) I will have to spend more time on here in future ^_^

30-08-09, 12:39
I actually think I might be falling apart ._.

I think my whole body is just... I feel like I'm crumbling ._.

Oh well, 24 years, people have done worse ._.

Melodrama over but seriously, it feels just this dire at the moment :(

Desprate Dan
31-08-09, 11:04
Sorry to hear you feel so bad Hoppi, but your not alone i just dont know whats happened to me, i have lost all intrest in life, no desires, no enthusiasm, i know life is a wonderful gift and i tell myself it all the time, but i feel so low and constantly tired with nothing to look forward to, i have tried to pick myself by booking holidays, treating myself but nothing seem's to help...i just dont know the answer and i am so scared..

31-08-09, 11:24
Sorry to hear you feel so bad Hoppi, but your not alone i just dont know whats happened to me, i have lost all intrest in life, no desires, no enthusiasm, i know life is a wonderful gift and i tell myself it all the time, but i feel so low and constantly tired with nothing to look forward to, i have tried to pick myself by booking holidays, treating myself but nothing seem's to help...i just dont know the answer and i am so scared..

aww man, I'm so glad I'm not alone here but I know how awful it feels ._.

I mean for me, I'm just sure my 2 biggest hurdles are having some kind of financial control of my life (which is why I'm putting together a website project but need a coder ._. ), and finding someone at least to cuddle but preferably to actually care about me and find a full rship again :)

Problem is, I get too obsessed with the latter and don't do the former!! lol

If I could just get some focus, I think everything might turn out ok :)

01-09-09, 00:26
Hi there

I was reading your posts and I think can identify with you on a few things. When you said you felt like a 'broken shell'I have a fair idea of how that feels. A few weeks ago I felt very similar and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I felt like i couldn't MOVE let alone eat of function and I'm so sorry you felt broken. I'm sending all my best wishes and lots of cuddles.
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:


06-10-09, 17:44
I think we were all in the same boat before coming to this site, and most of us are just hovering over the edge, looking for the ladder so to speak, good luck pal, and im glad a found the site aswell, just feels good to talk to like minded people, when the world seems to differ from how we act, which makes us feel alienated

07-10-09, 15:08
Sending you all a big hug x