View Full Version : New One 2 Add To Dizziness

27-08-09, 07:38
This morning I was milling around the house getting reday for work,dizzy in the head floor like sponge as usual,when i got this horrible lurching feeling.Felt like the contents of my head had plumetted down a lift shaft.It lasted a split second but really knocked the stuffing out of me. Anyone else had this?

claire m
27-08-09, 08:49
hi annie is suffer with the dizzies with my anxiety its awful so you have my sympathies. i always wake up with a foggy head and it usually takes a good hour to come around i have had that plummeting feeling you describe and it feels to me like a palpitation in the head (if that makes sense) i put this down to anxiety for myself xx.

27-08-09, 09:08
Yes that is just exactly it...like a palpitation in the head.I love this site!It's full of people who know you're not crazy.
Thanks xx A xx