View Full Version : ha sky high due to weird chest feelings

27-08-09, 08:46
im so worried im about to die the feelings im getting are like missed beats , fluttering, heart stopping , omg whjy am i getting this please tell me im not the onmly one who gets this im so scared atm

27-08-09, 11:35
hey amanda ......you need a hug......i think that what you are feeling are the effects of anxiety disorder............. my life revolves around my irregular heartbeats...........go to your doc to eliminate anything sinister then you will learn to ignore them ..........thinking of you .take care xxxxxx

27-08-09, 12:51
i know this one very well, ive just spent two days sitting on my bed waiting for the next flutter or miss beat,,,i know its the worst thing you can do,,,but i sometimes am not strong enough to ignore it,,today im a little better and im managing to go about my chores,,,it really is best to try and stay occupied and work through you can do it,,,:hugs:

28-08-09, 08:42
ty pammy and teez for the replies,its nice to know im not alone with this even though i wouldnt wish upon anyone ,seems to be worse in the mornings felt like my heart was on fire this morning its so hard to not panic when it keeps happening hope you both keep well

28-08-09, 14:53
Thank god im not the only one, i sit here now and keep getting flutters and not able to get my breath properly, yawning too??? whats that all about, am doing it all the time, i know im not sleeping, but they arnt normal yawns, its weird i need to yawn to get my breath???

28-08-09, 16:40
Hi there, I relate to you so much as I have periods where I have ectopic heartbeats or the missed,fluttery feeling - not pleasant at all Acc to Claire Weeks they are benign so we should not worry. It is really really difficult when you are in the throes of anxiety,isn't it!xxx

28-08-09, 18:24
i am the same ,get wierd fluttery sensations in my chest ,even when im relaxing watching the tele ,and when I yawn i get them as well ,which really freaks me out ! is anyone else experiancing them when you yawn ?:huh:

28-08-09, 19:34
i get them all the time is it the same feeling we are all getting? like a missed beat or heavy feeling, burning feeling ,all on one side mine is heart side which freaks me out badly

28-08-09, 19:50
hi kirstielu,
i experience the fluttering and breathlessness when i yawn, but like i said earlier it makes me yawn. its like i need too, to get my breath back, its hard to explain what i mean.

28-08-09, 19:55
Hi Amanda

I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad at the moment. I too get these horrible feelings in the chest & think I'm about to die.

I know it maybe a little comfort knowing that some people have the same feelings, but you have to just ride it out, it's so scarey I know. It always ges away though, always.


28-08-09, 20:08
Hi, yep I agree with everything that has been written here. I too went through a real bad stage of getting missed her beats etc at a point when I actually went to A & E twice because I was convinced I was going to die. You are defo not alone even though I know it feels like you are at time. Try not to think too much about it and that does help, even though I know not thimking about it is easier than said.

28-08-09, 20:14
thank you all, its just so tough i feel like im at the end of my tether atm , dont know where to turn as so scared all the time, but ty all and hope everyones goes away for good real soon

28-08-09, 20:18
Mind is a scary thing and I too am totally in awe at how it has made me like this for no apparent reason. I am with you on not knowing who to turn too, my husband has been really good but I get the sense that he too has started to get fed up with it all and trying to keep it together for my son makes it ten times harder. Just wish I could get a magic cure for us all.

28-08-09, 20:32
Hi Amanda,

I havem too missed beats, extra beats, the whole lot. Ive had them 24/7 for 6weeks, i know how you feel they drive you mad. Mine are caused by anxiety,just get them checked out to make sure.


28-08-09, 21:50
Thankyou thankyou thankyou!
s I've been experiencing this for some time and wa set to go to the doc for an ECG.
It feels like I'm trembling inside my chest. Does that sound familiar to anyone?
It's scary so I panic, which in turn makes my heart start to beat really fast and that of course causes more panic.....
So good to read about it here and n=knw that others have the same thing.

29-08-09, 10:09
ty mel and becky im sure it is only anxiety but its just so horrible all the time ,i know my husband is fed up of me now complaining all the time , yes it is a trembling feeling inside the chest you are def not alone


29-08-09, 14:37
Hi amanda; I've had this pretty badly for the past 5 weeks - I have just had my ecg and tests at the docs and everything came back normal so now it's going away. She said it was just anxiety, I think she did the tests just to put my mind at ease. I just used to tell myself, if it was something serious I would have been dead by now but it went on for weeks and nothing bad happened (well pyschologically a lot of bad happened but physically there was nothing wrong with me)

29-08-09, 15:39
hi kirstielu,
i experience the fluttering and breathlessness when i yawn, but like i said earlier it makes me yawn. its like i need too, to get my breath back, its hard to explain what i mean.
i know exactley where you are coming from with the need to yawn ,what I do to catch my breath is take a big air gulp ,a bad habit i have formed , i had a mad fluttering sensation this morning ,and i tried to dismiss it but its so hard ,you think to yourself ,this is fluttering more than normal ,something is wrong ,this is it im going to die ,that is exactley the thoughts that went through my head today .Hate it Hate it Hate it !!!!

30-08-09, 12:11
it probably is anxiety but at the time you think its your last breath,i understand tottaly the feeling you are feeling there horrible wish theyd just go away take care both of you
