View Full Version : Headache still after a week

27-08-09, 09:16
Hi been having a very bad headache for over a week now, went to doctors and he seems to think its a tension headache. I have no history of migraines or severe headache.

Builds up during the course of the day but kind of gets easier near the night, but is there when I wake up.

Feel slightly dizzy as well, but mainly if feels like someone is pushing on top of my head, in my eyebrow area and my temples. Starting to get worried about it, you can imagine what ive been thinking. It hurts alot but hasnt got any worse??

Painkillers dont seem to be doing anything either, not showing any other symptoms though.

I had a mri 18 months ago to check my sinuses which where clear, can things go bad quickly in 18 months?


27-08-09, 10:14

this is what i have had for the past week too. feels like a pressure on the top of your head? both a nurse and optician have told me its a tension headache. they are quite scary - been feeling anxious all week but you are not the only one with it. ive read a few posts on here that describe the same headache. have a read of some recent ones to do with headaches. and try a warm bath and nurofen seems to work ok.

27-08-09, 11:38
You think it could be a virus? It dont seem to be letting go, its like im wearing a cap or something, its very dull and achy

27-08-09, 11:47
mines the same - as though ive banged my head - not painful but more uncomfortable. im not sure if it could be a virus but is suppose its possible. rest is then the best idea - and lots of fluids!

27-08-09, 11:51
:( scary though, although doctor didnt seem to fussed, just cant stop thinking about BT's etc, googletastic at the moment

27-08-09, 12:15
don't google! i did and it conjures up all sorts of ailments - namely BT's. but with no other symptoms and a headache that isn't really stopping you doing anything the dotor isn't going to be fussed. i know its hard but accept that if you had something serious it wouldn't ease of a night when you are probably more relaxed and then get worse during the day. it would be constant. relaxation is the only way we are going to get rid of these headaches!:D

27-08-09, 14:08
anyone else have the same thing?

27-08-09, 14:21
I suffered from terrible headaches for a few months because of my anxiety, it felt like my head was in a vice, i would occasionaly get moments where i actually thought my head was going to pop off, please dont worry about this it is definately tension, try to relax dont worry about it and it should pass x

27-08-09, 14:41
I am feeling pressure in my ears and eyes feel well tired, just wondering if it is a bug, with how quickly its come on.

27-08-09, 15:06
When i had it i had pain behind my eyes like my sockets where being pushed out and i had pain in my ears and temples, and just felt like a huge tonne of pressure on my head.

I really think its anxiety as headaches and pressure are very common symptoms of anxiety.

27-08-09, 15:21
The only thing that concerns me is that you dont know when its anxiety and when its something to really worry about. Obviously without going to try and get further tests done. Although thats difficult if the doctor dont take you seriously

27-08-09, 16:22
i have headaches all the time too but ive come to the conclusion its just stress and painkillers make no difference

all the best

27-08-09, 16:36

Nearly every person on this website has felt that way at some point, our anxiety is giving us the "what if" thoughts and they usually lead to nothing.

Your doctor has confirmed that you are fine, anxiety causes a great deal of stress on our bodies and when we are stressed we get headaches , getting concerned about them will put you under more stress and make them worst.

I have had the worst headaches in my life due to anxiety and i wondered why and thought i had a brain tumour but then again i have never been this stressed before, every single anxiety website will tell you tension headaches is a common symptom, if you are very worried ask your doctor for a head scan, but remember you are anxious because you have anxiety. xx

I know its really hard but try and relax and pretty sure your ok :)

28-08-09, 08:55
still worried still got headache, and ringing in my ears, thinking of going to the doctors today

sarah jayne
28-08-09, 09:51
Hi ive had a headache constantly for 2 weeks now, it started the same day that i started on citalopram, its awful. It hurts at the top of my head and behind my eyes, i have been very worried about it so i went to the docs yesterday and he said its my sinuses, hes given me a nose spray but it doesnt seem to be working. Are you on any medication, it could be that ? x

28-08-09, 21:52
Nope not on any medication, was proper freaking me out today, so I went to the doctors, again. He said he dont detect anything bad, did the whole routine, tapping my joints, touch your nose, checked my eyes, ears. He did seem abit more concerned as I explained I have the headaches accompanied with the ringing in my ears and the feeling of falling forward. I asked about an mri but he felt it was not needed at this stage. He has give me maxalt melt, I ve read the side effects and thought that sounds worse than the headaches. So im wondering whether to just sit it out, see if it gets worse, I have health insurance so if it gets any worse I think I should demand a referral from the doctor - or am i know playing into my anxiety.....

I think my anxiety is becoming a painful hobby, my doctor however did give me a useful website as I now plan to tackle the real issues http://www.bacp.co.uk/ you can go private or you can go through the nhs but it can take a minimum of 16 weeks to get booked in.. useful eh

28-08-09, 21:58
Read my replies here...


30-08-09, 15:25
Is the ear noise more like a whooshing sound or is it more of just a horrible din like a badly tuned radio or say a high pitch sound?

When you say your eyes feel tired do they sometimes look abit red and do they indeed feel sore also?

30-08-09, 17:21
High pitched ringing, eyes have been very tired and red, not blood shot....

30-08-09, 19:43
I know you said your doctor has looked in your eyes but when was the last time you visited the opticians?
Judging off the med your doctor has told you to take he thinks it could be migraines.

31-08-09, 02:30
yeah it does take long time to see a neurologist in the nhs because i am getting headaches and have to wait till october to see them.
my doctor doesnt think i need an mri either.

all the best to you - probably just stress related headaches

13-09-09, 17:27
I still got pressure feelings in the top of my head, and constant ringing its getting me down abit, doc still didnt seem over concerned last week.....

14-09-09, 00:03
You know,this thread breaks my heart DrTroy,purely cause I know exactly how you are feeling..you know,just feeling like you're mad and that no one is believeing you like the doctors. It's the worst feeling.

I had a pelvic infection for about a month followed by another month of constipation and the amount of times I was at the doctors crying and shouting I had cancer.. I felt like I was all alone.. But I kept going back.

I suppose if you really think something is not right,you have to be persistent but it does sound anxiety,tension realted.

I can get these headaches and they make my head feel like brick,my eyes huge and gritty and my temples even down my neck feel like they are on fire. :(

I don't get the ringing in my ears but I get a sort of swishing sound. I hope they ease soon for you. Any sort of headache is not nice. D'you think you could have allergies or something?? I don't mean like really running nose but sometimes I can wake up with a mother of a headache and I feel like I can't turn my head and it happened more when the house was getting decorated and there was paint opene and saw dust etc about x