View Full Version : Has anyone been told they have "seperation anxiety"

27-08-09, 09:36
Hi Everyone

I just wondered if anyone out there knows anything about seperation anxiety.

I have been told this is part of my problem at the moment. I seem to get stressed and anxious for the first few days of a holiday then the feelings usually die down or disappear, but this year i felt worse, so much so I came home and have been suffering since with anxiety and depression (for the last 10 weeks).:scared15:

I just wondered if anyone else has this, as holidays are supposed to be fun and most people i talk with can't understand the way I feel when i go on holiday. I feel quite isolated with this.

Thanks for listening.


27-08-09, 10:30
I was told 3 years ago that it is part of my problem.
With me its separation from my mother father and my whole 1st family.

I find it difficult to accept that i have my own family now, and lways want my mam. :{
Also as we moove and travel allot and change places of living it becomes in connection with this. Separation from the past.

It is very complicated, but its normally a part of the problem only,
I also have GAD, and reactive depression ...

good luck

27-08-09, 13:27
Hi Thumbalina

Sorry to hear that you suffer this too.

I had this years ago when I was a teenager, I hated leaving my parents. I developed agoraphobia after I had a panic attack whilst out. I had an accident at school, I knocked myself out with a bang on the head and had the first panic attack a week later. Then i was having them daily on and off for a couple of years. By the time i was 20 i had learned to cope and most of the symptoms had disappered. I had reactive depression at 37 yrs (lots and lots of bad life events happening once after the other). Since then i have improved greatly and have been well for years now... but the thing i am left with is bit of agoraphobia. As i said i went on holiday in June and had lots of anxiety which then brought on depression, my psychiatrist has said it is seperation anxiety. I have never heard of anyone else that has this until now.

Thanks for reading my post and replying, sorry it is a bit long!!

I wish you well.:hugs:
