View Full Version : breathless for 10 months solid .....

27-08-09, 09:43
I have had a feeling that i cannot breath properly for 10 months its always there, i dont see how you can have hyperventillation for 10 months surely i would have fainted by now!??? i have had bloods spirometry chest xray etc all fine, i also have ectopic heartbeats and my heart skips and races even walking down stairs i am over weight but im on a diet, i just dont understand 10 months ago i was a normal 24 yr old mum now i feel like i am going to die soon im so fatigued! anyone else have breathing difficulty constantly?

29-08-09, 07:07
I've suffered with this for years - its my main symptom when I get anxious. You need to read all you can about it, there is a lot on this forum. Type in hyperventilation or overbreathing into the search and you will come up with pages and pages, probably including some of mine! There are a few books specificly on the subject too - its very common. The problem is, it leads to other aches and pains too and then you get anxious about those - vicious circle really and you need to know how to control it or as Clair Weeks says "accept it".
Hope it gets better soon, I know its awful.
Take care

29-08-09, 07:11
I have just recently aquired it. I hate it and it scares me to death. Not only that at night I get stopped up and I have a lot or phliem in my throat and constantly clear my throat and cough and cough and cough.

10 months.. wow.. don't know if I could handle that or not. Im sure its just anxiety for you and Im pretty sure you aren't dying. Just think if it was something bad you would have already hit that mark by now. take care..You will be fine.