View Full Version : Going away tomorrow on holiday...worried

27-08-09, 12:21
Hi all
I am going away on a much needed holiday tomorrow for 10 days. I am really really looking forward to it but worried too.
I am worried that as I will be so far away from home, what if (lol the famous "what if"!) I get there and panic because I am so far away and can't do anything about it. My agoraphobia is quite bad again at the moment, but I am going with my partner, so I will be ok being outdoors, as for some odd reason I am ok when I am with someone else outdoors - Its just when I am out on my own, however that said I panic when I go somewhere new, even with whoever is with me. Sometimes its not so bad and other times its awful.
Has anyone else ever gone on holiday and panicked so much because they were miles away??? and if so what did you do? did it all calm down?

27-08-09, 12:42
awww poppy im so feeling for you as im agoraphobic too,,and due to go away next month,,,and im already stressing quite a bit,,,i also know the feeling about being ok with some-one else outside,,its really hard going,,some days are much better than others for me,,i,ll have an odd day where i can go and do anything i like. the next might be a whole new ball game ,,i cant even step outside my door,,,i find it helps if i have a goal hun,,,like if i have to get a birthday present or card i focus totally on that ,,which really helps,when round shops,,

27-08-09, 13:56
Its all just the anxiety kicking in but you know that. Really panicking away from home is no different from panicking at home but it just feels different, not that I'm making light of it obviously as I know how distressing it is nonetheless. Last summer when my anxiety was so unbelievebaly bad I practically couldn't function or eat, I had a holiday book and the fear of going on it was so bad, I just wanted to stay at home and sleep. I got in the car to leave and was literally shaking and as we drove off I felt this massive fear wash over me but I did it and I'm glad I did. I had my anxious moments there, in fact quite a few, but to be honest facing that helped me loads in getting better and I think I would be a lot worse off now if I hadn't have gone.
If you do panic and you have to accept that possibility, you will get through like you do all the other times and nothing worse will happen to you. You will be fine, I assure you. Keep telling yourself you are strong and your going to enjoy this holiday as much as you can because you are stronger then the anxiety even if it feels like you aren't. Good luck, I'm sure you will have a lovely time and lots of nice memories of it too :) xxxx

27-08-09, 19:14
Hey i know exactly how you feel i am going to turkey in 2 days with my best friend, when we booked the holiday my anxiety was fine and i was so up for a holiday but now its come round to it my anxiety has got bad and i am very worried about how i will be on holiday, coz gunna be away from family, boyfriend and home. just got to think of the positives, get to relax, its nice weather, it wont be long and will be back in england, got to try and make the best out of the situation x

27-08-09, 20:45
Thank you all for your kind replies and advice.:)
I will go and determined not to back out and not go and will try to be as positive as possible.
Teez - I am just as you were saying about how you are - sometimes I feel fine and then out of nowhere the next day I can be outdoors and crying.
I had to go out today to do something and got into a real state, I tried to talk myself out of the panic, but it just got too overwhelming and I was crying walking back home. Afterwards I always feel exhausted.
My doctor says not to give in and keep going out otherwise I could end up housebound. It never gets any easier though for good. Just when I think I am getting over the agoraphobia then it comes back again.
Anyway thank you again for all your replies. They have helped because Sometimes I feel like I am really alone in how I feel.:hugs:

27-08-09, 21:09
Hi Poppy:hugs:

Like you I get the panics when I go too far away:doh:

I find taking things from home helps, a blanket, cushion, teddy anything really

Im off to St Ives in Cornwall in 4 weeks 250 miles from home so I know how you feel:hugs:

You will soon settle in and relax Im sure

Where are you off to???

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

28-08-09, 13:30
Hi Kazzie :)
You wont believe where I am off to! St Ives in Cornwall lol We leave in a few hours time. That so co-incidental that you are going there too.:ohmy: Have you been before? Its a gorgeous place.
Hopefully you will have a lovely time there too.
Its a good idea that you mentioned of taking something from home - like a comforter lol - I may take a teddy bear. I wish I could take my cats but sadly obviously can't :weep:
I have taken my medication and not feeling too anxious so far so hopefully I can get through the long journey like this. I am keeping busy so I dont have time to dwell.
This is the first really long journey I have been on since I got really ill last year.
I am so much better now and hopefully if I can relax on holiday and not let agoraphobia and panic ruin it for me, then I will know I am getting much better.
Thanks for your message. Will let you know how it all goes!
Take care

28-08-09, 18:44
I'm off on holiday in a few weeks time, and the anxiety is bad. This one is a long way from home, different continent, different customs, not your usual 2 weeks in the sun. My wife let's these things wash over her, I wish I could. Instead it's worry after worry - I started a thread a few days ago, entitled "Anticipation is my biggest problem", you may find some comfort there.
You have to be positive about these things, but it's not easy. Medication does help, especially when times get really bad. It is worth talking to your GP - mine has been very good at understanding.
Best wishes,