View Full Version : Constant Panic Attacks, Anxiety and Depression - any advice PLEASE?!x

27-08-09, 13:04

My name is Madeleine, and I have already posted on this site, (only once), but when looking through the registering page I realise I didn't specify what was wrong.

After suffering from panic attacks for years, instead of facing my fears, I have simply been avoiding anywhere that makes me panic. I had started councelling for this, but then after being treated very badly by the school I had been working at, they made me redundant, (3 weeks before the end of term), so I had to find another job, (which I have managed to).

So I was looking forward to the school holidays, but had rotten luck as I came down with viral Labyrinthitus. I think this teamed with the job situation, and the reasons that were buried before for having panic attacks previously have just snowballed into one and I think this is the reason why I feel so horrible at the moment.

I have been in a Mental Health Unit recently as I hadn't slept for 11 days, because of the Anxiety and Panic Attacks. I started to feel better after the doctor had prescribed me Quetiapine and Citalopram. I felt better, (not completely right), but better for about 2 weeks, and now for the past few days i've gone right downhill again!

As soon as I wake up I have a panic attack, then my day is either spent panicking or full of massive anxiety and really depressed thoughts until I go to sleep. The only thing I look forward to is sleep, whilst dreading waking up as the panic is so overwhelming and kicks in as soon as I open my eyes!!!

I'm sorry to be so indulgent but I wonder if anyone who has experienced this could tell me their story or maybe give some advice?

Thanks for reading this - i'm very grateful.

Feeling like I have nowhere to turn to.


27-08-09, 14:51
Hi Madeline

I know too well how you feel, two years ago I didn't leave the house for nearly 9 weeks because I was scared to go to evey place that I had previously had an attack, slowly with CBT I managed to start living again.

My anxiety was a build up of stressful situations until one day out of the blue I was hit with a massive anxiety attack, although a lot better now I experience anxiety most days, I have now started taking Cipralex and it is easing the symptons a little.

I intially suffered with GAD but now have HA as well, and know the feeling of anxiety when you wake that won't leave you all day, but I find that if I distract myself or try to ignore it it does ease.

There are lots of us suffering from this and this is a great place to talk to others who know how we feel.

I hope with time that your symptoms ease and you can get back to a more normal life.

Toni x

27-08-09, 17:47
Hi Toni,

Thank you for taking the time to get back to me. It does help to know you are not alone. The hardest thing I am finding to manage is after the Panic and Anxiety attacks, the feeling of not being here, does that make sense? Also sorry for my ignorance but what is HA?


27-08-09, 19:42
Thanks Paul, I will hold on to your words and try to gather the strength to beat this thing!!! Just to know that you've got better gives me hope.

Thank you and hope to speak again soon.


28-08-09, 12:53
Thanks Paul,

I'll try my hardest! I hope it starts to subside soon cos I feel absolutely warn out from it!

Take care and speak soon.


28-08-09, 14:22

You are having a bad phase like many of us have and it is not much fun...

I have been in the hospital as well admitted for the same thing as you, as I havent slept and eaten for days.

The most horrible when you feel like that that you feel completely lonely.
Like nobody knows what are you going through.
This time with my reapse - i was trying to distract myself from thinking that I am so alone with me illness.
I was constantly repeating myself that there are so many people on nomorepanic that i know that feel even worse than me at that moment.
I was repeating mantras that i have learned. Like - fear feeeds of fear, its only anxiety, mad people dont think that they are mad, False Evidence Appearing Real......etc...and it helps.

It never changes instantly - no matter how much we are trying to ... it always takes time for improvement to show.

For me it weeks normally....

I really wish you will feel better soon even if it starts with the tiny moments of light which will turn into the hours, days months and etc.

28-08-09, 19:56
Hey Thumbalina,

Thanks for your care and advice. At the moment I have just come over all exhausted like my body and mind have just said, 'that's enough', and now I really don't feel like i'm here at all!

Has this ever happened to you? I feel like a zombie, like i've finally lost my mind.


28-08-09, 22:25
hello everyone my names ricky
i have been having panic attacks for years now i happens if i think of being sick or diarerrah plus it dont help when i have got them things cause mainly when i think it and panic it starts to happen i need some good advise cause i really cant handle it at most times i have felt like hurting myself cause of how bad i get it soo i need some advise if anyone cant help me that would be sooo great :weep: :weep: