View Full Version : In need of support!!

27-08-09, 13:42
I am an old hand with the old anxiety, and have had three years free of this hell!! However, I am now going through another bad spell which is so emotionally painful! Although I am still working and living my life it is hard work! My negative thoughts are dragging me down and finding it hard to be postive! I need all the support I can get at the moment as surrounded by people that do not understand! I need to feel human again, without having to put on a brave face, when inside it hurts soooo much!

Any advice on positive thinking or supportive words would be greatly recieved!


27-08-09, 14:02
:hugs: big hugs to you.

You are not alone on here, this is a brilliant site. Dont bottle things up vent them on here and talk through your bad days. I know what you mean trying to keep up a front for people who dont understand.

I know this is a set back for you but just think that you managed to fight it before and you can do it again.

Take care

27-08-09, 14:18
Thank you SamP! I seem to forget that I have beaten this before, but it just gets so hard! I have just booked another therapy session, but cannot go unitl next week!! Dont want to use medication, so going it the hard way! Need to be strong, but my body is telling me to run!! The only problem is, where do I run to?? Besides running is not the answer it just makes recoery soo much harder! I am so up to date with the theory behind anxiety, I just can't seem to make it go away!!! This sucks!!!

Does anyone know if your period makes anxiety worse?


27-08-09, 15:08
I find mine does. I call it "jam for brains" and my partner knows the code.

I find my anxiety comes out in the form of severe insecurity. I become convinced my partner is going to leave me, that he hates me and is cheating on me.

I am on the pill though and that helps. My partner is very supportive. This helps too.

27-08-09, 16:33
Thank you, I will try the pill - I just think all the changes I have gone through recently need to come out and be aired! Today has been the worst day for a long time, although I have come on so I am happy to blame my period! Have lost my appetite which is really horrible as I know not eating makes the anxiety cycle worse!!! AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!! Going out for a meal tonight which I am dreading as dont want people to notice that I am not eating! Worry if I don't go that I will make my anxiety worse - lots of negative thoughts today!! Lets hope for a better day tomorrow!

27-08-09, 19:00
Hello there,

Although i'm so sorry to hear that you've got the horrible anxiety back again, you are a shining light to me at the moment and i'm in a very dark place. This is the first time I have had anxiety to such a crippling extent, and to hear someone say that they got over it is so inspiring!!!

And although i'm new to this, (had it for the past 7 weeks), I definitely felt worse when I had the old monthlys too, and I was glad to blame it on it!!! Can't you say you've had a big lunch at work so you can just push round a starters, skip the mains, and maybe manage a nice little afters of ice cream?


28-08-09, 13:36

Thank you for your post! Sorry to hear that you are having a bad time at the moment, it is never nice. Thank you for your kind words, and I really hope I can be an inspiration to you. I went home last night and had a shower and really thought about staying in for the rest of the night. My friend called and offered to pick me up - however, i refused as I need to be in control at the moment. I did however, go to the meal an hour late and had some friut, I also managed to have a really good boogie, which left me feeling human again!

Fingers crossed when the period stops I am more positive!!! In regards to your anxiety there are loads of helpful people and threads on this site. I am also on a great deal so will help when I can.


28-08-09, 18:36
I experiance genearal anxiety disorder for 3yrs , and got over it by myself ,by thinking positively and shouting out loud to my anxiety as though it was a person ,sounds daft but it works ,was getting really frustrated in feeling the way I was , i couldnt watch certain television programmes especially crime ones or ones associated with health problems (they were the worse ) so I used to say out loud "leave me alone " you are not going to win ! and slowly but surely it worked ,didnt have to have drugs ,I had been anxious free for three years now but panic attacks have started coming to haunt me in my sleep , I have relented and started citalapram to calm me down and this is my first week on them and I have had side affects ,which has heightened my anixety ,but after reading posts on these forum pages the drug does do that ,so now I am going to start my own therapy and tell myself out loud " You are fine ,you are only stressed out with life ,calm down and the panic attacks will go again ! and you anxiety ,YOU ARE NOT WELCOME BACK IN MY LIFE ! LEAVE ME ALONE !