View Full Version : feeling everyone is angry with me

27-08-09, 14:21
Right now this centres around my doctor. Basically I'm sure she's fed up with me and my family (my mum's got NEAD, my sister severly autistic and then there's me with health anxiety etc - "product of my environment", apparently) but what's happened is, that she told my mam it would be clinically best to only see her every four weeks - because my mam has taken seizures at the surgery before and I suppose they don't want that happening very often; it only makes more stress for my mam.. However the doctor is the only support my mam gets and so she (mam) quite upset, feeling doc angry with her etc.

Where do I come into this, well I feel awkward now about going to see the doc incase she is angry - and I've been to see her three times since the beginning of the month (12th, 14th, 21st) but I want to go see her once more before Uni, I really need to speak to her and also to say thanks etc. She probably thinks my mam and I go far too often and that she has other folk to deal with rather than just us? That's what I think anyway...

I ended up going down this afternoon because I got stung by a wasp - ouch! - and since my gran's allergic, I thought I should go down incase I was allergic; but she just told me to go home and put vinegar on it, which of course only makes me think she's angry, that I went down again...

I have another "for instance" I could tell you but it's a looong story (and another thread completely!) ... I suppose I'm just writing this to get it all out, I've got too much circulating in my head and normally I would just go see doc but I'm too blimmin scared to now! What do you think I should do, am I just perceiving that she's angry? :wacko:

27-08-09, 15:06
I used to feel the same way, that I made everyone angry because I just wanted reassuance that everything was going to be ok. People who dont have hat we do have a hard time uderstanding what goes through our minds on a daily basis, they dont understand that sometimes logic is out our grip. I dont think she is angry, people with anxiety percieve a lot of things that are not there becuase we need all the support we can get and if the person who helps us leaves then what...dont worry yourself about it unless she says something to you about it,as hard as that will be. Most people in the medical field if they are getting upset with you will tell you in a nice way. Take care of yourself and try and not worry about it.