View Full Version : How Do You Handle Working

27-08-09, 15:18
My panic attacks started a few weeks ago from health anxiety. I just started on meds last night, so they are going to take weeks to kick in.

How do you all handle holding down a job? I have gone to work the past two days but this morning the panic is kicking in big time and I really don't want to go again.

27-08-09, 17:21
I really symathasise with you! I work full time normally but had 3 weeks off with this dreaded anxiety about 6 weeks ago! I managed 2 weeks back at work then had a massive panic attack this monday and have spent the rest of this week off work too! It's so hard! I know i should just get back on with it but it's so hard trying to maintain a together and calm exterior at work when inside you're a gibbering wreck!! Would love to be at work today but just couldn't do it! Now i'm anxious because i'm aware i should be working and i'm not!! a truely viscious circle!! Well done you for going to work today! Keep going if you can! Take care
Mel xx:)

27-08-09, 17:34
I have been taking cipralex 5mg for seven weeks, and i have been off the whole time, i am a manager and i could not possibly do my job at the moment, if you can continue to work i think it is better.

27-08-09, 17:34
Avoiding situations feeds anxiety, its very common knowledge.

Stick it out, take steps to reduce your level of anxiety when at work.

Main thing is to reinforce self-belief that you will get through it.

27-08-09, 18:24
Hi there,

Is there anyone at work you can confide in?


27-08-09, 19:02
Best tell your workmates what your going through ! That way they should be more understanding and give you time and space . I work full time and never let it get to me ,and my workmates understand when im having a bad day :) .

27-08-09, 19:30
Couldn't agree more! Although it's horrible when you first tell your workmates, the relief after far outways it, and a lot of the time, when I've spoken to fellow sufferers, they find someone else at work who is or has had the same experiences.


27-08-09, 23:38

I knew that staying at home was going to make me worse, much worse. I have given in to what my mind wants. I force myself to go to work. I started feeling bad but know I wonder how I could cope without the distraction of work.

Why not use work to find out what is causing the anxiety. Like going to work and finding that talking to people causes your anxiety to go through the roof or it could be some situation where you are alone and isolated or some office jerk giving you a hard time. It is important to break it down and find the trigger. It is not work it is something at work that triggers you. When you have discovered the trigger then expose yourself to the trigger over and over and stay away from the trigger, not the work, when you find it all too much.

Your sanity relies on staying at work. Read the statistics Boredom or being at home is the largest cause of mental illness.

You may discover that the job itself is boring and you are ripe for change, something more stimulating, a new challenge. Why not find a job that interests you and you are passionate about?

Use your work as a experiment to find out the underlying cause.


28-08-09, 09:29
Excellent reply ^

will be back in work myself shortly and after 1 and 1/2 years of being in the house i know i got an a$$kicking coming my way, but i will be ready to meet it :D