View Full Version : Anxious about everything

Sarah Virginia
27-08-09, 15:27
:weep: I have just been put on some new anti depressants and have been on them for two weeks. The side effects have been awful, feeling sick, wobbly and generally unwell. I was really concerned about taking them as last year I was on an anti depressant which I had been on for years but I suddenly became allergic to them and had to come off them within three weeks. Parts of my face would swell up etc.

Today I have had a bad day, it started off with a pain in my left arm and generally feeling very nervy. The pain has now gone but suddenly sitting at my desk at work I started itching my neck and ran to the loo thinking my tongue had swollen and my face was swelling - which of course it hasn't. When will I ever have a normal life again. I am really fed and just want to be normal like I used to be. Am I going mad or do other people struggle with their thoughts like me?

27-08-09, 17:50
Hiya Oh i know oh to well how you feel im the complete same ..!!

Its A complete nightmare from getting up to going to bed im constantly battling with my thoughts its driving me insane ive been on loads of anti d's and i take the tablet then start worrying about the side affects and as u have done ive thoguht ym tongue has swollen ect..!!

I think everyday is there gonna be one day that i wake up and all of this is going to be gone .. ?? I also think im going crazy at times and find it hard to cope with day to day things..!

Ive just rang my dr to make an appointment as im really fed up of these thoughts and there getting unbearable there making me feel terrible..!

Im constantly tired all the time i can never find any energy to do anything and it really gets to me as i have a gorge husband and 2 loving kids and i just want to enjoy my life with them but it so difficult at the moment theres just so much stress and anxiety.!!! :emot-crying:

So Yeah i feel what you feel and like you i no its horrible.

Just hang in there im sure one day this will all go away :) .!!

Hugs Love Me xxx:hugs:

27-08-09, 18:11
All the time!! And at work is the worst as I have to put on the "happy" face and pretend there is nothing wrong and I am somewhat normal. So my fear has been colon cancer - I just started new meds yesterday and am starting to feel a bit better (Only because my GP gave me a small amount of Xanax to help while the BuSpar kicks in - god bless her) - and my diet hasn't been very good. You kno eating about once a day, more like shoving it down as I had little interest in eating. So now that I am starting to feel better food is much more apealing and I am gobbeling it up. And my stomach is not quite sure what to do with all this food all of a sudden which equals "gas and bloating"...which of course is a sign of colon cancer - trying not to think about that. So now I am worried that even when the meds kick in and I feel better all the colon cancer symptons will still be there....good grief can I PLEASE have a break and just feel normal for a couple of weeks?

So yes - I totally know what you are going through. I am so greatful I fond this forum!!!