View Full Version : Ibuprofen + constipation

27-08-09, 15:40

Ive noticed last 3 times of going for 'no 2' i have a little constipation + what seems to me a fair amount of blood.

Im taking ibuprofen 2 * daily at 400mg per tab.

My query is, is this related and should I feel worried?

Im taking the tablets due to a neck injury I have recently suffered.

All advice appreciated.

27-08-09, 16:14
it could be something as simple as piles ,not heard of ibuprofen causing this before but i am no expert,maybe its being constiapted making you bleed it could be a number of things im sure its nothing to worry about but always best to be checked ,

27-08-09, 17:27
Im 99% sure that blood in the stool is NOT a side effect of Ibuprofen.

Could be piles or maybe even a 'fissure' which is a tare in the anal wall.

Mention what is happening to your doc and get a refferral to the hospital if it persists to have a specialist have a feel up there. Best to rule out possibilities.

Take care :)

27-08-09, 17:36
Peter ,ibuprofen can cause bleeding in the stomach ,but this would come out black and wouldnt look like red blood .This is very rare I might add .Its very likely the constipation is causing this ,as it can put pressure on the bowels and a slight fissure or pile would cause the bleeding .Your Dr can perscribe you something which may help you as much as the Ibuprofen .its called Diclofenac .Most painkillers make me constipated ,but drinking fresh orange juice and eating more fibre helps with this .You can buy Diclofenac cream to use on your neck and its very good . All the best Sue x

30-08-09, 22:55
stoppedthe ibuprofen and the symptoms cleared up!