View Full Version : Hi all/health woes ;)

27-08-09, 17:02
I just found this website today. What a great forum!!
I am a 37 yr old slightly over-stressed designer and lecturer. I've been on Citalopram [20mg] for about 18 months now.
Since March this year I've been suffering from a nearly daily headache in the right temple area. This came along at the same time as flu like symptoms and a swollen right eye. This means that since March I've been under the impression that it must be sinus related or some such infection.
This morning I had my first appointment at the local ENT clinic after being referred from my GP. The doctor there seems to think that it is my 'over-active' brain causing spasms which then cause the pain. He has prescribed Propranolol [10mg] as he feels this may help. I also have to arrange for a CT scan of my stoopid brain :ohmy:
After hearing this I started to sweat and had a paninc attack in his office :blush: I felt like such an idiot when he told me to lay on the floor and put my feet on a chair. He also looked mildly smug as my predicament seemed to back-up his theory.
I am NOT looking forward to the scan. Quite scared in fact. Y'know, the usual - claustrophobia; panic attacks; what if they find X, Y or Z... I could go on...
Anyway, enough from me. It feels good to have somewhere to talk about this stuff.
Best wishes to all :) x

27-08-09, 19:30
Hi there and welcome to the site...it is wonderful for help and support and just for being there when you need a bit of company who understand.
Hope you do not have to wait long for the scan, as it is the waiting that causes the worst anxiety and therefore the panic attacks etc etc. as so many of us know. Propanalol should help, I am taking it at present and feel marginally better! The scan will put your mind at rest, though I honestly don't know what he means by 'brain spasms'. Sure you will get it sorted out anyway and sending you best wishes. XXX

28-08-09, 09:11
Thanks mmac43!!
Yes, I didn't explain that bit properly. I think what the specialist was getting at was I have an 'over-active' brain - I not relaxing/sleeping properly - this is causing 'vascular spasms' (?) which in turn is causing the head pains I have been experiencing.
Is this hyper-tension??
And yes, it would be good to get the scan done sooner rather than later :)