View Full Version : Early symptoms of lung cancer

27-08-09, 17:46
I am a 38 yr old non-smoking male. I am a runner and just ran 13 miles last saturday. For several months I have been having recurring pain in my fingertips and toes. I googled (I know I know) and found that this could be an early symptom of lung cnacer. I have also had pains in my upper back for a while. None of these pains are constanst, I don't have a cough. Basically I am freaking out. Has anyone ever heard this type of early symptom before?

Cell block H fan
27-08-09, 18:33
Nope. Sounds a bit far fetched to me. If we goggled all out aches n pains (and the lesson to learn here is to not!) then we would have every disease going! Those aren't typical symptoms of lung cancer, anymore than headaches are of brain tumours (contrary to popular belief) x

27-08-09, 19:08
The number 1 symptom of lung cancer is a violent persistant cough. whilst there are always 'other symptoms' that are rare but honestly a cough is the first symptom in 99% of cases, as you dont have a cough you DO NOT have lung cancer :) x

27-08-09, 19:51
Someone very close to me died of lung cancer recently, so I know the symptoms all too well... They don't sound like typical symptoms, and the fact that you're only 38 and a nonsmoker makes it extremely unlikely.

I don't know much about the finger/toe pain, but I've had lots of randomly placed upper back pain and I was told it was caused by being tense all the time. The pain was causing anxiety, which was causing more pain, which was causing more anxiety.

A cough is the most common symptom, without it and with the other factors your chances of having it must be practically zero.

I know if I run 13 miles I ache all over for days... From someone else who runs regularly!

27-08-09, 20:09
Thanks for the responses. Just reading my post makes me realize how crazy it sounds. I have good days and bad and on the bad days I have no ability to turn off my thoughts and I can convince myself of anything. I don't know about you guys, but I need a vacation from myself :)

27-08-09, 21:32
And you would probably be vomiting blood.

27-08-09, 21:38
And you would probably be vomiting blood.


28-08-09, 10:28

I really really really think that you should not look up any symtoms on the internet. I think that the term ' early symptoms of lung cancer' is clutching at straws. Your body only has a set number of ways to deal with ilnesses and anything that sets the immune system working and that includes stress and anxiety. Most symptoms and sensations are generic right cross the board because of the way your bodies systems function. I dont know where that info came from that you read but I think that its 'bad news' for a HA sufferer to be reading stuff like that. Its playing right into the need to control the 'doubt' about our health and definately feeding our fear.

Tingling fingers and toes happen with soooooooooo many things in the body that even a trained dr would have to illiminate a million and one things to come to any conclusion!!

Hope your okay
