View Full Version : Just Feel Like I Cant Cope At The Moment!!

27-08-09, 18:01
Hello All..,
At the moment im finding it so hard to cope..!

From getting up till going to mbed im constantly battling with my thoughts its driving me mad..!!!

Is this ever going to go away or am i gonna be like this forever i just wish i had a wand to make everything better , but it know it doesnt work like that :huh:

Ive had to make app at doctors cause im not coping well at all im constantly tired and stressed out ..!!

It annoys me even more as well as i have such a loving husband and 2 gorge kids but im the way i am and i just cant enjoy anything i think i could handle the thoughts if i didnt have all the physical symptoms that accompany them..There Terrible , Shortness of breath, tiredness, dizziness, nausea, and the list goes on so im gonna have a good chat to the doctor tomorrow..!!

As I Keep saying to my husband i just want to be normal ive been in tears today again as i feel like im not normal and im a freak for feeling the way i do and it makes it worse with the physical symptoms too cause it makes you think your dying even more :weep:.

Well Thanks For reading and hope your all well

Hugs xxxx

27-08-09, 18:24
YES - it will get better. I can't tell you how much better I feel afer taking a few rounds of depression/anxiety medication. The medication doesn't take it all away - but it makes me think more clearly and I am able to function and cope!! PLEASE go to that Dr's appointment and be honest with him or her. I know it seems so dark right now and if your anything like me you would rather just be left on the couch all day long either sleeping or staring at the TV.....I know how you feel! All of your symptoms point to depression/anxiety...

Keep us updated on how the Dr's appt goes!! And when it gets bad....post and we'll all be here to help you through!

27-08-09, 18:43
yeah i will do :) just feel so argh at the moment :unsure: xx

27-08-09, 18:54
I know excatly how you feel - its like a struggle just to move! As much as you don't want to keep forcing yourself to do things - ever day I would pick 3 things that I had to do that day not matter what. Could have been something as simple as one load of laundy, wash the dishes and take out the trash. For some reason 3 things seemed managable.....I am keeping my fingers crossed that your Dr will get you on some good medication! It will help....some people don't want to take pills for the rest of their lives. Me I don't care, if it is going to make me feel better I'll take it! :winks:

28-08-09, 12:58
hiya ive been doctors hes put me on citalopram 20mg at night im just hoping its going to make me feel better :) xxx

28-08-09, 19:24
Hi it does get better it dont happen overnite and it does drive u mad.I was better for ages then it came back im not as bad i was,i couldnt sleep or eat lastime and was always crying to be honest i looked crazy.Now i would say im anxious and worried but i try to ignore my sore chest and things,It does get better x

28-08-09, 19:41
Hi, your post sounds exactly how I would describe myself, constantly trying to do what the CAB advices questioning the fear and doubts by making yourself think what the real reason is that you are probably feeling they way you do. But as you say its a battle that takes up all your energy and ends up normally with me anyway the fear taking over. Hopefully as others have posted it will get better and soon and we will be able to get through the day without the constant battle. I just would love one day of feeling normal, I think I have forgotten what that is like. I then have the guilt element when I start feeling guilty for feeling like this when there are actually people who are suffering with what I am thinking I have when I dont and so the circle of thought goes round until I feel like I have gone mad.