View Full Version : Hi I'm new

27-08-09, 19:11
Hello everyone :)
I've suffered from depression for about the last five years. I'm now 27 and currently writing a PhD thesis:ohmy: .
I've used no more panic as a place I could read stories of other people who have similar problems as myself but this is the first time I've ever registered. Have been INCREDIBLY low the last 4 weeks and would really like to maybe talk to people who know how bad depression makes you feel as I often feel quite alone.

Big hugs

14-09-09, 20:03
hey, i know how u feel, i just finished my degree in forensic science which was really difficult n suddenly started with anxiety n depression. its all the stress that gets to u cus ur constantly wrapped up in a world of study. its true that all work and no play makes jack a dull boy! i promise i was sooooooo low 2 months ago really bad n i didnt wanna take meds but i got that bad i thought i cant go on like this n having thoughts like this! i went to the pharmacy n started taking st johns wort. some ppl say they dont work but after 6 weeks i was totally fine, as its only a herb it isnt addictive. ive now started a postgrad course n its going fine, my anxiety still bothers me but im not depressed anymore. my dr says wait until i feel that my life is stress free and then start to wean off the herbal tabs. i promise u i was as low as u r and wasnt interested in anyone or anything. i felt like wots the point in any of us being here? i now think, the point of being here is to make ppl happy, make ur family happy. i was never a religious person but i find i helps me to think that this life is a test for the next, depression is something that is thrown at you to test your strength! try to stay positive n try not to beat urself up for feeling this way, easier said than done i know! message me anytime u need to talk :)