View Full Version : feel like world is moving

12-10-05, 17:35
I know a lot of people get the leg tingly thing but something that just happened today but scared me slightly was as well as my leg kind of shaking and tingly, i began to think the world was moving, i wasn't actually feeling it move or anything it was like i was imagining it.. i can't really explain but i got freaked out. i hope this is to do my anxiety and not somethig serious. I was even thinking for a second i was going to die and imagining that i was feeling the movement of the earth. I'm scared. I don't want to be feeling the earth move. Does anyone else feel this??

12-10-05, 17:50
walking funny, head rushes and dizziness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3610)
Left arm, left leg problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4295)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-10-05, 17:59
Thanks for replying but i'm still really scared just been cryin about it for ages.. its so annoying, i'll be feeling like i'm ok and getting over my anxiety and then something like this happens and freaks me right out..

Sue K with 5
12-10-05, 23:00
Its is amazing what can start off an anxiety attack! I was standing in the kitchen one day when I felt like the ground was giving away on me, it was awful, I grabbed the unit and I then ran into the lounge petrified! my heart was racing my legs went numb and my head was spinning. I then had a 20 min panic attack which I thought was going to finish me off!

Your experience is not unique, it is just one of the many symptoms of anxiety so dont feel alone in this !

Crying is a natural reaction, because we belive that these symptoms are not normal and in a way they are not, but to anxiety sufferers they are just part of the cycle of events we experience,

sometimes you go ten steps forward and 2 steps back but dont ever give in to it

Anytime you need to chat about this please feel free to MP me

Take care

Sue with 5[8D]


13-10-05, 20:47
I think i might have figured out the reason i think the world is moving though it might make me sound loony. I reckon that i think it 1. because i know the earth moves and 2. my leg is shaky, so i attribute it to the earth and ground around me moving and shaking.
I'm trying to ignore it, it is a bit hard though

14-10-05, 10:44
Just try and remember that its just a thought and you've no reason to believe its true. You're mind is in an anxious state at the moment and thoughts tend to stick. My legs often feel shaky and I get dizzy, but its just anxiety.

Like Susan said, don't give in to it.
