View Full Version : dentist in the morning

27-08-09, 20:19
Is anyone else afraid of the dentist ?my teeth are bad because i have put it off for so long.

Veronica H
27-08-09, 20:31
:bighug1: many of us are Sam. I promise that the anticipation is always worse than the event. Tell your dentist about your anxiety, as they are used to compensating for that...mine talks to me the whole time bless him and if I raise my hand he stops. You can do this. Let us know how it goes.


27-08-09, 20:56
Have a read of the dental phobia page on the left - it may help

27-08-09, 21:04
Hi Sam:hugs:

I used to be the worlds worst dental phobic:wacko:

Tell them you are scared so they know is the first thing and dont worry modern dentistry has come on in leaps and bounds......I recently had loads of work done and dident feel a thing!!!

Thinking of you

Kaz x:hugs:

27-08-09, 21:33
Hi yes me too i used to hate the dentist once when i went they gave me 3 injections and none worked so i had to return the following week when i had calmed myself down and after all that carry on crying etc., everything was fine,. nothing hurt atall..tell your dentist you are a bit anxious they will understand and take things slower with you..Goodluck and dont worry

27-08-09, 22:50
Thanks everyone im just more jumpy cos my daughter had an operation lately and i felt like i would pass out because of the stress and worry.so im worried ill pass out,iv never fainted but i have the dizzy spells and hate them

28-08-09, 11:45
i dont like dentsit either used to be fine there every 6 months but once my anxeity got bad my panic made me think oh i dont like this,

my teeth are so bad and i do get toothace so i plucked up the courage to go and i have made a appoitment for september and im determind to get it done.

i always thought if i seen a needle i would keel over even though i have never done that in my life.

i needed a blood test and my lovely doc came to my house last week to take blood from me and i told her my concerns and she said u will be fine and told me to lie down so i did and to be honest i didnt freak out nor did i feel a thing.

the anxiety makes it worse i promise u will be fine tell the denist how u are feeling and they will help you.

u wont pass out plus u cant faint lying down doctor told me that its usuall the anxiety that makes u feel dizzy

goodluck and i wish u all the best

let us know how u get on

28-08-09, 14:00
Not crazy about dentists but not as nervous as I used to be. I went 13 years without seeing one and a big part of the fear was that the dentist would take one look and just whip the lot out. Pain drove me to the dentist in the end and, fortunately, it wasn't like that at all. Treatment has come on tremendously in recent years, it's largely pain-free and the number of teeth that can't be saved is now pretty small. You might also take the precaution of asking for a dentist who's sympathetic towards nervous patients.


28-08-09, 14:07
Im back from the dentist,i have to go hospital to get them fixed,i hate hospital lol but im home and i got tablets im freaking out about taking and its an infection.thanks to all that helped x

28-08-09, 14:49
Hi Sam, just wanted to let you know I went to the dentist the other day and had my jaw cut to get a tooth out. I was fine for awhile and then came home and was by myself and of course I let my mind go nuts because my mouth was numb and it scared me. I knew there was nothing wrong, but I freaked anyway...my point to this is that you can do this, I am better now and I wonder why I let myself get that way. You will feel so much better after you go. I know I do. Take care and best wishes. P.S. dont let the mind tricks get to you over this....