View Full Version : parent child relationships

27-08-09, 22:03
I was wondering if anyone else has a fractious relationship with their mum? Im 33 and all my life my mum has done everything for me and I know you think im lucky or im spoiled but I think its more of a need for her being needed. she is constantly telling me how hurt she is over little things silly things and she constantly speaks to me like a child but if i pull her up its because im not nice to her. sometimes i feel like its emotional blackmail

Granny Primark
27-08-09, 23:02
I had a fantastic relationship with my mum. She was truly my best friend.
However now ive got grown up children I do find it difficult to let them stand on their own 2 feet.
Im still very protective of them.
I know they have to learn from their own mistakes but I really dont want them make any mistakes. I just want the best for them.
I dont talk to my children badly cus I respect them. However I try to give advice.
Trust me its so hard being a parent to adult.
My mum had a saying "they make your arms ache when they are little but they make your heart ache when they are grown up"
I used to think what a load of rubbish!!!!
My advice is just sit down with your mum and tell her how you feel. Tell her also you fully appreciate how much she has done for you but its now time you became more independent.
Mums always worry.

27-08-09, 23:54
i have no relationship at all with my mother and it is something i have struggled to come to terms with till i bought this book from amazon entitled When you and your mother can't be friends by Victoria Secunda, it is a great book ....


28-08-09, 09:26
Ahhhh smotherly love,

ive never had that with my mother, we argue, hiss, grunt and tut our way through the days.

Some people need to be told the truth wether they want to hear it or not.
