View Full Version : making money without panic

12-10-05, 18:41
I have been trying to make some money from home because i feel so guilty not going out to work much, I only do 4 hours a week doing homecare in the community (what a joke) and find it a nightmare for my panics.

I have come across many ways to save money from home which in effect is the same as earning money "if that makes sence" ?
I feel it would be nice to share our ideas on this as alot of us are in the same situation "unable to go out to work".


12-10-05, 19:54
I think this is a great idea. I'm also interested in ways to make money from home, even though my parents support me financially and I don't have to worry about this, I still want to be as independent as possible. If I manage to make some money on my own, I think it would be great for my self-esteem ... which is really low at the moment, I often feel useless and unable to cope.
Sharing ideas and suggestions would be helpful.
I know there are some ways to make money from the Internet, by registering in a site and then allowing a banner to display ads on your browser and stuff like that. But I don't know any details or exact web addresses.

12-10-05, 22:54

I've been a lurker up until now, hope you don't mind this being my first post.

I'm in the same situation, haven't been able to go out to work for a number of years due to anxiety/panic. I'm lucky in that, since giving up my programming job, I branched out in to graphic design that I do from home but have investigated ways to supliment this via the internet.

Things like displaying banner ads and reading e-mail for money turned out to be a waste of time, they pay a pittance, not enough to pay for your vitamins never mind anything else!

The best way I've found is to use cashback sites, normally you use them to get money back for buying goods or subscribing however there are also things called recurring clicks. You can perform every day, things like performing price comparisons, clicking through to credit card sites etc and are paid for them.

I've only been doing them for just over a month but they're paying well and they only take an hour or so a day, obviously you can spend longer and make that bit more if you like.

I've written a guide with details of the best sites I've found and how things work, I've also created a spreadsheet to track things (the guide was originally for family and friends)

As I'm not sure of the rules and don't want to seem as though I'm spamming or advertising, especially as this is my first post, I won't post a link to the info however if you're interested feel free to mail me at marc.keeley@gmail.com and I'll send it to you.

If you want to check the sort of sites I'm using and make sure that they're legit have a look for RPoint or Cashbag to see peoples comments (I actually use 15 sites)

http://groups.google.com/group/ukcashbacksites is a good group that I participate in.

Marc Keeley

12-10-05, 23:39
Hello I have a fear about working for a boss if I could work for me self I would be fine to a degree. I would love to get past my fear of having a boss to work for. The last time I got my self a baby sitting job it sent me into depression and I'm worried about that happing again.

About 2 year's ago 3 year's after dealing with deep depression I made a huge step in a positive direction. I saw a add in the local paper while I was looking for a way to make to money about volenteer work in a free crache. I'm really glad I had the support of my partner and got the courage to ring about it cause it has really help me with a lot of my anxiety issues with people in general. The lady i work with is real nice and it help's heap to also be helping people that are going threw being a young mum like I was. I still have a fue thing's to get past yet before I feel confidant in handling and sort of boss. Having the added presure of knowing that if I get paying job that I will have to work to get payed and I could fired ect ect is really the fear I have to over come cause I have huge issues with authority figure's, the presure of expectation, and negativeness in general. Whwn eva I'm faced with situation like of a negative nature it dose set my anxiety from the moment i hear the first negative word like no or dont ect.

I still skip a fue a day's here and there of my volenteer work that I really enjoy if I'v had a negative incounter with someone. I also really hate dealing with people that boast about doing anything illiegal cause 99% of time i end up stressing for day's and that's is something i hate about my self and try really hard to tell me self that it has nothing to do me and I dont need to worry or stress or even think about it but while I am better able to stop the whole process I hate that it starts in the first place. I supose I also have a bit of chip on my shoulder about why my life is never simple and I have to work so hard to get what I need let alone what i want. I still avoid people I think that might say something to me I just dont want to hear about cause it not worth taking the risk of going backwards again. I try hard to foucs on thing's that will help me to keep a positive frame of mind about everything. I cant wait for the day I can just something no matter what and then not have to think about the negative thing's agian. My head has only eva fouced on negative thing's and now that know why and how to change it I will get there but it will take time.

My next step to get a paying job is main focus right now. Any step in the that direction is a huge postive for me. I wich you well on discovering what you need to do to achive your job sucsess.

13-10-05, 07:57


It got my shopping bill down from £120 a week to £50 a week.
Its my way of making a contribution to the household without having to go out to work and panic everywhere.[}:)]


13-10-05, 14:03
Mum - well done for doing your volunteering work, thats a great stepping stone

Mike- feel free to post your link under 'useful links' with a bit of an explanation- it could be helpful to many

Mirry- Martin Lewis's site is great. Has been mentioned before but also could do with a link in useful links if you feel inspired.



Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-10-05, 14:35
Hello Meg,

I assume you meant Marc and not Mike???

Anyway I've posted a fairly brief description in the useful links section

How I Make Some Extra Money From Home (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5843)


13-10-05, 14:55
Thanks guys a really useful thread.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-10-05, 14:56
Ooh sorry , speed reading innit. Just registered the Mke bit...