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28-08-09, 08:59
I have had a feeling that i cannot breath properly for 10 months its always there, i dont see how you can have hyperventillation for 10 months surely i would have fainted by now!??? i have had bloods spirometry chest xray etc all fine, i also have ectopic heartbeats and my heart skips and races even walking down stairs i am over weight but im on a diet, i just dont understand 10 months ago i was a normal 24 yr old mum now i feel like i am going to die soon im so fatigued! anyone else have breathing difficulty constantly?

28-08-09, 09:19
Spirometry is the breathing machine right? the blow test thing?

If you have had that done and the other tests its time to start feeling more at ease with things. Good that your on a diet but couldnt it be that your simply out of shape? i say this cuz im a 31 yr old, 6ft, 14 stone male and i get out of breath a little due to lack of propper excersise over the last few years.

Truth is 'fainting' is the body shutting off from lack of oxygen or because your being over-stressed, so in 10 months it seems thats not going to happen.

Hopefully your not cutting back too drastically on your calories as this can mess with the blood sugar levels terribly, slowly slowly catchy monkey. Buy a cheap pedometer (step counter) off e-bay and stick it on you on a normal day, then compare that to the 10,000 steps a day the doctor recommends.

Take care :)

28-08-09, 10:41

Anxiety gives me a feeling of heaviness in my chest. Hyperventilation is probably the extreme acute end of the scale but if you have been feeling like you are going to die for ten months then Im quite sure that your body has been on a much higher level of alert continually than you would be if you werent anxious. Anxiety can be a chronic condition that is there all day everyday. You adapt to the anxiety by accepting an anxious state as the norm and your daily events cause anxiety levels to go up much higher and more readily and take much longer to come down and never to a proper managable level. So what happens is you dont even realise that you are anxious......but your body does!!

Sounds like you would benefit from shifting your focus away from your breathing because you have checked that its not a physical problem. Your breathing prob sounds more like a symptom of anxiety than anything else.

Hope your okay



28-08-09, 11:21
You are probably shallow breathing from your chest and not your diaphragm so it feels like you can't breathe.

28-08-09, 11:59
I had this 5 years back for a while then went to A&E had chest x-ray and other such things, all ok :)

Fast forward to now and it's back with a vengeance :( had it for 3 months contin, until i went back to the A&E, again had all the tests (chest x-ray, ECG, blood tests, oxygen checks, BP, all ok so yeah must be anxiety if all the tests were ok 5 years ago and are ok now., but believe me sometimes it's harder to make your self believe that.

Take care :)

28-08-09, 16:41
I have had a feeling that i cannot breath properly for 10 months its always there, i dont see how you can have hyperventillation for 10 months surely i would have fainted by now!??? i have had bloods spirometry chest xray etc all fine, i also have ectopic heartbeats and my heart skips and races even walking down stairs i am over weight but im on a diet, i just dont understand 10 months ago i was a normal 24 yr old mum now i feel like i am going to die soon im so fatigued! anyone else have breathing difficulty constantly?
my partner is in exactly the same situation and thinks hes gona die soon,he is severely overweight and dont them heart beats make u panic!! it all down2 drugs wen he was younger but weather its drugs,or not,it all boils down to ANXIETY and its a bitch.u need benzos my sweet.xxxx

28-08-09, 17:07
.u need benzos my sweet.xxxx

I totally disagree with that. Taking that sort of medication will not help the problem and has with it a high addiction rate.

29-08-09, 09:05
thanks for all the replies, i really dont wanna take meds because i have young kids. is there any self help